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I love pythons but my fiancé thinks their viscous. I have had amazing experiences with them. Yet we have a demon spawn red tail boa
They look mean but they can be very nice. I love how pie bald ball pythons look but I have never owned one because they are to much for me.
My friend had a corn for awhile and it was really kind just don't buy from a mass breeder because that's were my friend got the snake and it died in about 1 1/2 months and I'll just say that it was a site sponsor with three letters, but get a corn, they are just magnificent!:D
They look mean but they can be very nice. I love how pie bald ball pythons look but I have never owned one because they are to much for me.

Too much ? And I love the look or corn snakes but I hear they are wirey ? But the snake I get now smashes its face against the glass just trying to bite me as I walk by .. So really anything would be better then the nasty one I have now
i own both a ball python and a rosy boa. Both are complete sweethearts!!!! the pros to a rosy boa are they get about 4 feet long max, and are really great beginner snakes. on the other hand, ball pythons are also very good snakes, they get about 6 feet long and are very good with handling. in my experience, its best to get a snake as a baby so that they can get used to handling quickly and so you can learn your own snakes personality early. i wont say either one is better then the other but i will say that ball pythons are not vicious. no snakes really are, they do what they are told to do by their instincts when threatened. thats why its important to get them young so they arent scared with handling and so that you know your snake well enough to tell when it needs its time alone. i have never been bitten by my ball python and have only been bit by boa twice in the 8 years ive had her and it was because i scared her badly. it was not painful and we were both fine. both are amazing pets and i recommend them both!!!! :) if you have any questions bout them or their care you can message me anytime!
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