looking for insight...


New Member
My family and I got our female veiled in april. We have been hoping she would spend more time visible but she hides 99% of the time. She is growing well, eats real good, and her droppings look normal. I was wondering if her enclosure has to much stuff in it. I know she needs some hiding spots but we VERY rarely see her. The enclosure is in our living room in the corner. There is mild excitement in this room. Usually just us lounging on the couch watching tv. Here is a pic of the enclosure.

The substrate is coconut bark. It was recommended by our vet. We are also getting her egg laying bin prepared for when she starts producing eggs.
Any thoughts? We want her to be comfortable with us. All the ones we see at the pet stores seem perfectly comfortable with all the commotion around them. They are super bright green and active.
Loud vibrations from a stereo or tv can disturb them. Dogs or cats can scare them. High traffic areas will scare them into hiding. Is there an A/C window unit or vent near the cage? Kids? All these things can disturb a chameleon. Veils are a little reclusive sometimes, especially females. Substrate is a big no-no, no matter what your vet says. However, Dragon Strand makes a laying bin stand that goes under your cage (obviously), and looks awesome. It would allow you to keep your substrate, a laying bin for her, and allow for furniture quality addition. It would also raise the cage. Chameleons do like a cage height of about six feet.
I would remove the substrate, it will only cause problems.

I agree with removing the substrate because veileds eat everything. Do you ever take her out of the cage? Veileds become allot friendlier when interacted with. I keep veileds along with several other species and they all free range in different rooms of my house.....all rooms that we use and they are never scared of anything. My chameleons are treated like part of my family, not animals. I recommend a little tree or large plant that she can hang out on in your living room with you keeping a close eye on her.

I'm attaching a few blogs for you just incase you have not found them here.
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Thanks for all the info. I will get the substrate removed right away. I just picked up a big pothos, and another ficus tree for her to be able to free range on. As far as the tv and stereo, she is on the opposite side of the living room from these things, and we rarely have them very loud. There is a swamp cooler vent in the ceiling above her cage. I will close down that vent to see if it helps. I will also try interacting with her more. She hissed at me the very first time I tried. Now she let's me pet her chin, but if I do anything else she does the suicide drop. Do you think there is too much foliage in her enclosure?
Do you think there is too much foliage in her enclosure?

I've never believed there could be such a thing unless it blocks the lights, or springs out when you open the door and you can't get the door shut anymore. Happens to me about twice a year. That's when I prune and propagate.
I've been working with Cameo almost everyday. I have her out of her enclosure and she is hanging out on me without freaking out. I will try to get better pics of her tomorrow.

She seems to be suffering from low humidity. Try to keep her at 55-65% RH if possible. At least 45-50%. The little flaky skin pieces and the odd coloring are signs of much needed aqua.
She seems to be suffering from low humidity. Try to keep her at 55-65% RH if possible. At least 45-50%. The little flaky skin pieces and the odd coloring are signs of much needed aqua.

I will move my hygrometer to a different location in her enclosure. It usually reads 65-70%. Maybe a different location will have a more accurate reading.
Also I didn't see any flaky skin on her, and her coloring in the pic is her usual stressed color. I will get some pics of her when she is relaxing in her enclosure for comparison.
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