Looking for tamatave panther chameleon

I promise you it's the same chameleon. Here's a screen shot from curt to me. That's how I know.

After thinking about it, curt is moving and may have sold his babies to Erik to resale or you may have swapped pics of who the sire is.
You sure hellboy is not the dams sire?


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Yeah he only had one so maybe he did sell him the babies. As long as he's a tamatave I don't mind lol. Maybe idk those are just the pics he sent me.
Yeah he only had one so maybe he did sell him the babies. As long as he's a tamatave I don't mind lol. Maybe idk those are just the pics he sent me.
He looks Tamatave to me. I work with them and have a bunch of babies myself.
Now the most important info your gonna get about Tamataves. Most are very late bloomers. So be very patient. It can be at 1 year before his colors come in.
This is one of the little guys i picked up when i was there. As for the Tamatave it does say hellboy cross with i forget the females name i wasn't paying to much attention because i was there for the ambilobes

Rango3d feel free to contact eric for details i was in no way trying to miss lead anybody. I am new to chameleons and was just sharing my experience and what i saw. And maybe curt can shed some light on this situation. Thank you for your knowledge and input i do appreciate your opinion as well as many others.


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You didn't miss lead me you helped me out. Wow they are both beautiful chameleons. If he turns out like your tamatave I'll be very excited
I got in contact with curt from epic chameleon he said he sold all the eggs from hell boy and the female. Thank you all for your help and all I really do appreciate it. After seeing the older brother also I'm even more excited. Thanks all
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