Looking good?


New Member
Yes, but there is one thing you should probably be concerned about.

Your chameleon is probably stressed if he/she is displaying such a dark color..

Usually such a dark brown like that is something you should worry about.

Could you please post a picture of your current cage and lights?
Yes i will do that now hes always been that colour and if i hold him he will be very pale almost white just like when he sleeps...... Il post two enclosure photos the taller one is not fully set up yet its my new one i shall finish its vines etc tomorrow
is he able to see his reflection in the glass of the enclosure he is phographed in? seeing their own reflection can stress them out and make them show their stress colors
the cage looks very bare, in the first photo especially. I suggest adding some REAL live plants, many more branches (of varying diameters)

also, if your lighting is inside the cage such that the chameleon could touch it, you've got a very serious potential problem (hopefully that's just flash glare)

I dont think those big chunks of bark are a good idea.

How are you monitoring heat and humidity? are there air vents on that cage?
I was told by my local pet store the bark was ok but since hearing it is bad idea on here im not doing that in his new enclosure also what (watt) bulb would you say i should use in the second taller enclosure (his new home) as the bulb sits outside of it and goes through a mesh vent thing
what bulbs you use depend on the cage - the idea is to provide the correct environmental conditions inside the cage.

You need a basking / heat source and a UVB source. You need the temperature to be like this:

day basking spot up to 90F/32C for an adult male
day basking spot 80F/26C for Non breeding females and Juvenile (like yours)

day mid-cage/ ambient range 70-80F /21 -26C

night to a low of 65F/18C (ideally juveniles only down to 68F)

Humidity should range from 40-80%, aim for 50% most of the time.
Ok thanks il keep all that in mind also what do you mean humidity 40-50% at the moment i hand mist 5-6 times daily with warm water and sometimes can see him also drink
Percent (relative) humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air relative to the pressure of the air. The natural habitat of a chameleon is mostly around 40-50% humidity, and spikes up to 70-90% throughout the day, due to rain. The purpose of you misting your enclosure is to mimic this natural environment and also to stimulate the urge to drink. You can purchase a hygrometer which will show you what your humidity levels are. Digital ones are recommended because they tend to be more accurate.
If your chameleon is a male, you probably should not be seeing those colors.

I would definitely take peoples advice here on the husbandry and read up on the temps/what you need in the cage.
You have a very beautiful Chameleon here! DO NOT TRUST PET STORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish you luck! I like his second home :) When you can afford to, I would suggest some real plants too! Lucky Bamboo is cool, just make sure you cover the soil with large rocks and wash the leaves! You might know that, sorry if u do :p
You definitely need more plants! They feel more secure when they can be hidden. It looks more like a department store display than a habitat. Get a few big potted plants for the bottom at the very least :)
Pothos (very viney plant), Hibiscus and umbrella plants are good ones too (more bushy). very common and found at Lowes, Home Depot, and Menards.
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