Looking to buy a used Dragon Strand cage

unfortunately, I'm guessing I'm going to have to go with something else 😭. Any recommendations for a modestly priced cage?
Not yet :cautious:. I sent the offer of $650 like he said he would accept and...crickets. I recently sent a message to see if he is still interested. So annoying.
My beautiful male 5 1/2 year old panther is on his last legs sadly, I’m preparing to say goodbye after our vet visit the other day which means I will not be continuing with my herp adventure with another Cham after he passes (I’m moving out of the country in a couple years). This also means I have incredible things I’ve bought over the years for him, starting with 3 cages: 2 you can have for free if you pay for shipping etc. (one is a hybrid dragon strand 48x by 24x cage and another basic zoomed mesh cage same size) but the crown jewel is the Dale Tamura cage - it’s incredible! I spent 5K on a custom build by him, I would not sell it anywhere near that amount and am very negotiable. I also had my construction company build a custom cabinet stand for it with ceasarstone and walnut, let me know if you’re interested in any of them and we can talk details.
My beautiful male 5 1/2 year old panther is on his last legs sadly, I’m preparing to say goodbye after our vet visit the other day which means I will not be continuing with my herp adventure with another Cham after he passes (I’m moving out of the country in a couple years). This also means I have incredible things I’ve bought over the years for him, starting with 3 cages: 2 you can have for free if you pay for shipping etc. (one is a hybrid dragon strand 48x by 24x cage and another basic zoomed mesh cage same size) but the crown jewel is the Dale Tamura cage - it’s incredible! I spent 5K on a custom build by him, I would not sell it anywhere near that amount and am very negotiable. I also had my construction company build a custom cabinet stand for it with ceasarstone and walnut, let me know if you’re interested in any of them and we can talk details.
I just want to say that I’m so sorry that your chameleon isn’t doing well. 5 1/2 years is a good age for him to achieve, but never will be long enough for us. 😟 I pray you find strength and healing when the time comes.
Regarding your enclosures and supplies, you may want to try listing them under the classifieds. https://www.chameleonforums.com/forums/chameleon-supplies.83/
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