Los Angeles is Rocking AGAIN!


New Member
Well the other night we had a 4.7 earthquake located in hawthorne. Well today at 3:57 we had another 4.1 located in Hawthorne.

I live in Hawthorne and in the sunday quake I lost a window and a few dishes and a few small items that fell. Anyone else have a story? :(
Yeah I just felt it too! Nothin like a shake n' bake in So Cal. Thank goodness it was over before I had a chance to panic!

I'll probably succumb to the quake induced heart attack rather than the quake itself!:eek:
yup we keep feeling them too. I am in North Orange County so we are feeling the LA ones and the Yorba Linda ones that have been pretty active in the past month as well! lol!
You know, at one time (like a month ago) I wanted to live in California....

But earthquakes are not what I am looking for, I want my ground to be solid... and my tree's to not be on fire.

Good luck, and stay safe >.<
I think you have you fair share of Natural disasters in Texas though. I am not sure what is worse, earthquakes or hurricanes and tornados!:D
I live in lakewood, we got a pretty good shake over here as well. My dogs freaked out haha.
Missed the one today while I was driving. The 4.7 made the house shake at first, then the ceiling started rotating back and forth, stuff fell off the walls and tables. For a second I thought maybe I had a little too much to drink:eek:, but then I saw new cracks in the ceiling.
Dude we had an earthquake here like 2 years ago, but i slept right through it...lol. I know you west coast folks are scared of them, but id like to experience one.
Yah I dont know about all that. My aunt lost her home and everything to the Northridge earthquake here in the 90's. Also I remember I went to San Francisco 8 weeks after there big one for a bird mart when I was a kid and I was terrified the whole time we were there. It was pretty surreal to drive through there where things were just gone and destroyed. Earthquakes have to be one of the scariest natural disasters. You just have no warning on when they are coming unlike other natural disasters.....
Yah I dont know about all that. My aunt lost her home and everything to the Northridge earthquake here in the 90's. Also I remember I went to San Francisco 8 weeks after there big one for a bird mart when I was a kid and I was terrified the whole time we were there. It was pretty surreal to drive through there where things were just gone and destroyed. Earthquakes have to be one of the scariest natural disasters. You just have no warning on when they are coming unlike other natural disasters.....

Everytime we get some shaking, you know during that 5-15 seconds everyone is thinking "Is this the big one finally?" in the back of their minds.

I know I am.
I know you west coast folks are scared of them, but id like to experience one.

You wouldn't say that if you'd been in one. Tornadoes and Hurricanes are just as terrifying to me, but at least there's warnings in advance. With earthquakes you don't get that luxury.

One second everythings fine and then the next, the ground is jumping up and down OR rolling (depending on the tremblor type), and you just have to ride it out and hope that whatever building your in isn't going to come down on your head. Also worth mentioning are the horrible sounds made by the earth moving the foundations. :eek:
My 60 gallon aquarium sprung a leak today from the shakes. All the fish I have left are going into tupperwear till I can figure out what I'm going to do:confused:

Any one want some fish or have a spare tank:confused:
My 60 gallon aquarium sprung a leak today from the shakes. All the fish I have left are going into tupperwear till I can figure out what I'm going to do:confused:

Any one want some fish or have a spare tank:confused:

salt or fresh? nothing that small to spare right now... wanna upgrade to a bigger tank? :D
To be honest, I was waiting these fish out and then was going to get out of the hobby. The fish really want to live though. I've got an agel fish that is in his 6-7th year and some nice plecos(small type) that I cant remember how old they are but at least 7-8 years and I only see them when I redecorate. And then this one siamese algea eater and a serpae tetra.

Do you have a spare tank? I really dont want to invest in a new tank. I lost interest after my breeding pair of discus died off.

Free Fish people!
We get earthquakes here too. Just not nearly as often as the west coast. There was a 5.2 April 18th @ 3:30 a.m. last year centered in Illinois, was only a 3.1 locally here. I was working 3rd shift then. I was standing on top of a large stack of steel and felt the shaking. It felt just like the small 3 that occured when I lived in OC California. I told my parents and a couple friends "I think we had an earthquake this morning." Parents and 1 friend didn't beleieve me until they announced it on the morning news. There is a pretty good sized fault line that runs through this region, its called the new madrid seismic zone or the reelfoot rift. About 4000 quakes have been recorded since 1974, most can't be felt, but it averages a decent quake about once a year, and a major quake every 300-400 years. The last mega quake was 1812 it was said to be about an 8.0. It created a lake and caused the mississippi river to run backwards for over 10 hours to fill it. Its kinda interesting, google it and read about it if ya want.
Dude we had an earthquake here like 2 years ago, but i slept right through it...lol. I know you west coast folks are scared of them, but id like to experience one.

I remember that one. It was like around 4am right? My husband jumped out of bed, said honey don't move, then a second later yelled "get out of bed" and when I stood on the floor the house felt like it was moving back and forth and there was this strange sound electrial current type sound outside (we had the windows open).
My 60 gallon aquarium sprung a leak today from the shakes. All the fish I have left are going into tupperwear till I can figure out what I'm going to do:confused:

Any one want some fish or have a spare tank:confused:

Wow Kevin that's not good. I've got a Koi pond myself and after an earthquake I always check and re-check it to see if the water line has gone down. Thankfully (so far) all the damage has been minimal and (although a pain in the ass), repairable.

We built our pond almost 15 years ago, so it's seen it's fair share of earthquakes.


  • KoiPond.JPG
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I didn't know you had a koi pond. Looks like you must have raccoon trouble. We have ponds too (fancy goldfish, swordtails, lilies and lotus) and obnoxious raccoons!:eek:
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