Loss of appetite/cant shoot tongue.


New Member
Okay so my female veiled stopped eating a couple of days before laying (as she usually does) then did the deed and now is acting odd. She wont eat more than one a day and cant shoot her tongue more than an inch. She also seems to be leaning to the side alot when she is just perched. this was very sudden and didnt gradually occur. Any ideas?
when you see her leaning to the side, is she basking? mine wouldnt use her tongue even a month before she laid and now shes still not shooting it more than an inch and its been a month since she laid. she would spend most of her days basking. a visit to the vet wouldnt hurt though. itll be good to see if she laid all her eggs and that none are retained.
Vet isnt really an option. She isnt insured and i dont have the money. She would usually have her food dusted every other day with a calcium/vitamin powder specifically for reptiles, but obviously she hadnt eaten for a while so intake was lessened considerably. What i CAN get her to eat i dust every day now. Got her to eat 3 locusts today. Having done some research i think she has strained her tongue somehow before going to lay. She normally leans to the side when she basks but seems to be doing it alot more.
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