I got a call from a lady that said that she just found this chameleon walking around in her yard. We agree to meet so that I can pick him up and take him home. She sent me a few pictures prior, and I instantly thought female just judging from the colors. Ive only ever dealt with ambilobe panthers and vields before.
When I actually saw him in front of me, I was astounded. This thing was HUGE! Ive never seen a panther so big and there was no way it was an ambilobe, nearly the size of a vield. And it looks male to me, and he is absolutely GORGEOUS. It turns stark white and red when showing off.
I am working on finding the owner, I have a few posts locally... but wow I would love to keep this cham for myself if no one does claim him.
From quick research, he looks like a nosy boraha panther? And I am thinking male from that color display and slight bulge. If anyone has any advice on finding a lost chams home, and any other info on this species please let me know!
When I actually saw him in front of me, I was astounded. This thing was HUGE! Ive never seen a panther so big and there was no way it was an ambilobe, nearly the size of a vield. And it looks male to me, and he is absolutely GORGEOUS. It turns stark white and red when showing off.
I am working on finding the owner, I have a few posts locally... but wow I would love to keep this cham for myself if no one does claim him.
From quick research, he looks like a nosy boraha panther? And I am thinking male from that color display and slight bulge. If anyone has any advice on finding a lost chams home, and any other info on this species please let me know!