Lots of Chameleon Photos From This Evening

Love the shot of Jr & Hendershot together. That was an awesome pic. And the parsonni look stunning. Great group Jann. They are lucky to have such a good keeper. Keep the pics coming!
Jann all your chams look so happy and healthy! It's obvious they are much lived and well taken care of :) i love them! I especially love little Sadie, she's so sweet and cheeky looking!
wow..i wish i had such colorful chams to take pictures of :/ linus is only colorful when he's under his uv or excited about a female..otherwise, he's normally just a dull green :( i also wish i had the time and weather! ive been going to school and working, i havent even been able to take linus out...
You guys are so kind. Thank you it really means allot to me.

Amanda, you really should take the time to take Linus outside. They really love it and the natural UV is so good for them.
Your chams and photos are wonderful. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful animals.
I am still taken by Jr and Hendershot together. I wish my two were that friendly towards each other.
Jann, those are such great photos of them all. Sadie looks so Sweet! I can't wait to see them all in person once I move back down there.
Thank you Jason, Mike snd Suzi. Sadie is such a little mess and spoiled rotton.

Thank you Russell! I am really looking forward to meeting you and seeing your guys too.
You have such great and healthy Chams. Your advise should be example to all of us. Perfect husbandry. Nice pics also.
N'aw what a beautiful collection you've got there and your photos are beautiful! Can't wait til my little guy gets his colours, its so exciting!
Have you used cameras around them since they were babies? I love your photos cuz look happy and chilled even though their photo is being taken! It's a rare thing it seems, having said that my little guy whilst I was taking photos of him climbing he just climbed straight on the camera :p was cute!
Thank you so much for the very kind words. Most like posing for the camera.

Ulrich, you are too kind. I want to tell you I don't always feel like a good keeper especially when my guys still get sick.
WOW, how did I miss so many good threads of pictures??? Must mean I'm not spending enough time on the forum...or that football just started :eek:
Amazing shots as always. I saw a few of these on instagram and FB and I just LOVE the one of Sadie hanging by her tail....crazy little chicka. Next time I am in FL I am coming for a visit ;)
Thank you so much Miguel. Sadie has just grown up too fast.

Thank you Rob. Sadie was trying to get off the picture taking stick and get to her hibiscus when she was hanging by her tail and she made it. When you come to FL I would love to meet you and your family and show off my pets. :)
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