Lottie Needs Your Thoughts and Prayers Once Again


Chameleon Enthusiast
My beautiful Lottie girl is going to have surgery again this coming Wednesday March 4th. This past November she had eggs that she could not lay and had to have surgery to remove the eggs and she was also spayed at that time. She has been very active and roaming everywhere like she is receptive or looking for a place to lay. She has not been eager to eat her past two food days and normally she is starving. Her tummy looks swollen so I took her to Red's (my dogs) vet yesterday for x-rays and had them emailed to both my chameleon vets. I have read that the ovaries can grow back and have heard of several chams with eggs after being spayed. One even had to have surgery twice and survived. It looks like she has developed follicles and Dr. Mader needs to re-explore her. I am just worried sick. Please keep my precious baby in your thoughts and prayers.

This is Lottie about a week ago. She was in perfect condition I thought. Things can change so quickly with these guys. I even posted how great she was doing here: https://www.chameleonforums.com/lottie-post-surgery-update-139033/


Lottie's original surgery here if anyone is interested.
I'm so sorry to hear this! I'm sure the surgery will go fine-Dr. Mader sounds like he knows what he's doing. I will definitely be thinking of Lottie all week.
Poor Lottie! I will keep her and you in my thoughts. Hoping all goes well. She's such a beautiful girl!
I can't believe you have to deal with this again! My heart goes out to you, and best of luck to Lottie - I'm sure she'll come through this with flying colors again!
Thank you so much for all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes for Lottie. I'm really worried about this second procedure. It really means allot to me that you guys are pulling for Lottie.
Thank you so much for all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes for Lottie. I'm really worried about this second procedure. It really means allot to me that you guys are pulling for Lottie.

All the best for both of you! Years ago we listened to the story of the amazing quad Sprocket...who had eggs removed twice, was spayed, and ended up with surgery again for the same reason. She survived!

Lottie is so beautiful. I am pulling for her!
Poor Lottie. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers, and hope the second surgery goes well. She's such a beautiful girl.
I have everything XXX for you little Lottie. So sorry to hear you have to go threw this a second time Jann :( but Lottie is the picture of health, a strong little lady, and has you for her Mommy :D I bet she handles this very well ( but then tell her no more making you nervous! :p ) keep us posted please
Jann I am so sorry to hear that you and Lottie have to go through this once again. You know she is in the best of hands with Dr. Mader. Will be thinking of you both on Wednesday. Wishing you all the best!
Thank you so much for all the encouraging words. It's so hard to believe we have to go through this again. I hope I can keep her strong until Wednesday. This morning she seems fine. I'll keep everyone updated.
Lottie made it through surgery and she's breathing on her own. I am going to vist her this evening and if she's doing well tomorrow I can take her home.
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