Lottie Needs Your Thoughts and Prayers Once Again

I'm glad she made it - I was thinking about her when I had Cliffy back at the vet this morning - Hoping for a speedy recovery..
So happy Lottie made it through surgery again! I know how nerve racking it is - our iguana had surgery last Friday for the second time for eggs. Lots of good thoughts going Lottie's way, take care lil girl:)
Thank you so much everyone. I just got back from a visit with Lottie and she ate a silkworm for me and had some water. :)
Thanks for the update Jann! We're all glad to hear that she is doing well and on the road to recovery!!! and soon home!!!!!
Yeeeey! :)
I'm soooo glad !! I thought about you and Lottie all day! I hope she 'll be fine and you can take her home tomorrow!
Keep you both in my thoughts!
I'm glad she made it through the surgery and is already showing interest in food and water. I hope she recovers quickly :).
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