Lowering temps outside


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I’m moving at the end of June and should be fully set up before July starts but what REALLY excited me about the new home is a backyard with shaded areas and a pool which means I can keep chameleons outdoors for short periods of time and the pool will add humidity but how do I lower temps during the hot summer nights i know misting and dense plant cover will help but nights in the summer can be in the 70s-80s and I need to get down to the 50-60s because I really wanna keep my Jackson’s or hoehnelii outdoor but you know they need quite cool temps and big nighttime drops during the fall and spring that’s no problem
I’m going to be using soil floors and patio misters as well as dense foleage but I’m worried that all that still won’t bring temperatures 20 degrees lower
Oh I’d also like to ask if I he dragon ledges would act as a heat sink as well since I’m planning on using my old indoor screen cages and just adding a soil floor and drilling them onto planter boxes with wheels and then adding some cool vining and flowering plants in there with only the front able to let sun in but I’m not sure if the dragon ledges are big enough to act as a dangerous heat sink Idk if I mentioned this but I’m going to set up a patio mister timed to set off regularly
I’m not worried about the lateralis as I understand they are essentially bulletproof as long as I don’t let them dehydrate or get too much sun exposer but I’d love to get my Jackson’s and hoehnelii some sun time to really show off those colors I know they have I’ve seen some misters advertised to drop temps by 10 degrees but that seems a bit far fetched
What are the night time lows in your area? We usually get down into the low 60s even during summer. I think daytime highs over 85 would also be a concern for Jacksons.
What are the night time lows in your area? We usually get down into the low 60s even during summer.
At this point they are high 60s to mid 70s but for some reason in indiana it’s more spring than summer right now but after moving in July it usually goes into the high 70s to low 80s some nights what will be nice is the humidity rise especially from having a pool nearby tonight it’s almost 80 degrees right now at 11 pm and it feels very humid without having a pool I’m only moving 5 minutes away so it’ll be relatively the same temps
Misters that drop the temps by 10 degrees (or more) utilize evaporative cooling. The water evaporates which cools down the air. The problem is that this works best in regions with low humidity. Indiana is a swamp with all of its humidity, and you can't fight fire with fire (or swamp with swamp in this case).

If you lived in dry Arizona, swamp coolers or misters would work extremely well.

I really don't see a way to cool down an area outside in an already humid environment. If you find a method, let us know.
Misters that drop the temps by 10 degrees (or more) utilize evaporative cooling. The water evaporates which cools down the air. The problem is that this works best in regions with low humidity. Indiana is a swamp with all of its humidity, and you can't fight fire with fire (or swamp with swamp in this case).

If you lived in dry Arizona, swamp coolers or misters would work extremely well.

I really don't see a way to cool down an area outside in an already humid environment. If you find a method, let us know.
Mannn I'm in Florida and it's HOTTTT 🔥!! If anyone figures out how to make these days go lower than 85-95° (not including humidity LOL) I'm all ears 😂😭. Until then me and my crew will be in the AC I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️ haha.


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Our climate is pretty similar (northern Kentucky/Cincinnati). The night time lows in May should be in the low 60s and would be acceptable. I would be more worried about the daytime going over 85 especially if in direct sun. You could try to put the cage in a mostly shady location and just monitor the temps in advance. If it goes above 65 at night or over 85 daytime just have his indoor cage still ready. I keep pardalis outside 24/7 from early may until September but there are days I bring indoors if the low is below 50 or high above 95. Just keep the indoor cage on standby.
Well looks like I’m keeping only my lateralis outdoors and once it turns fall I’ll switch to my Jackson’s. I wouldn’t say it’s a swamp most days are pretty dry at least where I’m at and the new house is right under some large trees that provide lots of shade plus we have a small shaded porch I could move them too I feel like with misters, soil floors, and dense foleage at least my Jackson’s could handle himself I’m not going to push it tho I’ve heard of bill strand keeping quadricornis outdoors in 100 degree weather successfully with these as long as he monitors closely
Ya one thing to watch with Jackson's... Bill also mentions seeing more temporal gland infections as the weather gets warmer. This would not be an issue with the furcifer group
Ya one thing to watch with Jackson's... Bill also mentions seeing more temporal gland infections as the weather gets warmer. This would not be an issue with the furcifer group
Yeah I’ll definitely be keeping my lateralis outside in the summer and switch to my montanes as it cools down in temperature
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