Luie having a drink of water from a dropper

I sure wish I could get mine to do that. But the best can do is to get them to drink when I hand spray them for 5 minutes.
That's pretty cool. Does he just do that or did you have to work with him to get him to drink that way?
I've also been giving my cham water using a syringe/dropper. He actually took to it faster than I thought he would. It was all about getting the drop of water to glisten under his lights, and from there here pretty much knew it was water. Since then, when I am misting him, he will stick his head in and out of the stream to get a quick sip, it's pretty funny.
I enjoyed that video a lot, luie is very beautiful and it was great watching him drink! BTW my panther chameleon Oliver enjoys a daily drink too!
Thanks for all the nice words everyone. I know lots of other chams drink this way also. My daughter has so many that she uses a baster. :)

Heather, Yes, we can call him "very" spoiled.

Beeze, They just drink. I didn't train them. I offer them water with the dropper just about everyday. They do have a dripper and I do mist but just like to make sure they get plenty to drink.

Jeff; You and your girlfriend are welcome to come over. We are home sitting out back with the chams just about every evening. I've just got to see your beautiful guys soon, too.
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