Luring a chameleon


New Member
My panther (~1 year old now) somehow crashed through the bottom of his enclosure yesterday afternoon and I haven't been able to find him in my house. Any ideas on how I could lure him out or suggestions? I've searched the house high and low. :(
My panther (~1 year old now) somehow crashed through the bottom of his enclosure yesterday afternoon and I haven't been able to find him in my house. Any ideas on how I could lure him out or suggestions? I've searched the house high and low. :(

They tend to want to get as high up as they can. I would search the tops of dressers, curtains, or anything that he could climb up. I have found babies that escaped on the end of a stick of wood leaning against the wall on the other side of the house. Once the lights go out they curl up and go to sleep so might be the best time to catch him sleeping somewhere. Hope you find him.
I once found my adult veiled chilling (no pun intended) on my AC unit during a hot spell. So if your house is colder then usual this time of year, try looking in places that might give off heat.
Good luck!
Maybe any house plants you have. I've heard people say "check the c's, curtains closets cords etc". Good luck with him!
After hunting for a couple of hours, I went upstairs to do some paperwork and then came back downstairs to see...


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Is that a closet? I almost always find them in a closet! Even when it looks like there is absolutely no way to get up on the clothes/door! If it ever happens again, I always belly crawl on the ground and look up at stuff to see if it would be appealing for a chameleon (or at least what I think would be appealing if I was a chameleon! :)) If I can't find them up high, I get down low. I onCe found one under the couch that way! Looking at night helps too. Sometimes they get so brightly colored, it's almost like looking at a neon sign in the dark!

I'm glad you found him relatively easily!
I would be worried sick but I would kinda laugh to find him on the closet like that. Glad you found him:)
It's my coat closet by the front door. The water heater is behind it and I think he must've been climbing up the cables/pipes and then onto the door. It was a total surprise to just come down and see him suddenly sitting there. It gave me a start!
I'm glad you managed to find him :). I absolutely love lost and found chameleon stories (as long as it's a completely happy ending) :D
I'm kinda not understanding how your Cham 'crashed' through the bottom of his cage (?) but I am certainly glad you found him!!
I'm kinda not understanding how your Cham 'crashed' through the bottom of his cage (?)

My enclosure sits on a 2-teir wire rack that I crisscrossed with wire cables to allow drainage into the tub below while still making the openings too small for him to climb out. The enclosure is about 1" wider than the rack, though, so I had fixed a strip of mesh (the kind made for screen doors) along the bottom gap to cover it.

When I noticed he was gone, the mesh had been bottomed out along one edge, so he must've forced his way through. Hence, crashed through the cage.

P.S. - I don't know if it was your intention, but that came off as kind of judgmental and just wanted you to know.
Of course I wasn't judging you - just trying to imagine how a Cham can 'crash' through the floor of a cage. The wording 'crash' indicates a fall from a large height to me. :rolleyes:
Of course I wasn't judging you - just trying to imagine how a Cham can 'crash' through the floor of a cage. The wording 'crash' indicates a fall from a large height to me. :rolleyes:

I was thinking the same thing reading through the OP. I was picturing one of my guys falling and "crashing" through the 3mm thick poster board I have at the bottom then coming home and finding a chameleon shaped hole with all 4 legs and tail spread eagle like in Looney Toons.
i had a adult iguana once that would get out and go under my bed sheets. Found out the hard way once... well i didnt personally but the girl i was dating.. found out i had an iguana the hard way. He would escape his out door cage some times and find him laid out on the fence.
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