Make your own tree?


Avid Member
I have spent days looking for the perfect branch configuration on a tree for one of my cages usually to come up empty handed and settled for what I could find. I had a ficus that died this summer that I left out on the deck so I decided to put it to good use and make my own tree the way I wanted it. The added branches are from crape myrtles. They have a natural twisting growth that makes them great for chameleon highways. I put the entire process at the link below but the pics show the general idea.
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Great Job!! thanks for the detailed information and photos. Amazing what we will do for our pets! Awesome job!:)
Very cool, I have something very similar for my oustalet's. I build a little perch with a base that I take in and out of the cage for cleaning and the only thing I have attached to the sides of the cage are some fake foliage. So no stress on the mesh, easy to clean, and very sturdy!
I love that idea! I usually end up piecing various parts of Manzanita together. Now, I'll be looking for Crepe Myrtle and others.

The end result looks great! :)
Thanks for all the great comments! I love crape myrtle branches especially for making my baby bins. It gives them a lot of different size branches and makes an easy network that can be put together in the bin as a single unit. Let me know if any of you try this idea.
that looks really nice!!! yeah where can we order our branches ;)

Thanks! If you walk outside, there are most likely these tall things growing out of the ground up and down your street. Go to these tall things and clip the small things growing out of the tall things. :p:D

Hmmm Maybe I should start selling these.....
curly willow tree

This chameleon tree you built is fabulous! I'm setting up an adult cage for my 9 month old panther and I like living plants. And it's a big 2'x2'x4'H space. I cut some nice long, wiggly branches from a curly willow tree that I grew from a discarded flower arrangement. Willow roots easily. Now that I've seen your tree, I might embellish my plans and cut, and root, more willow. Thanks for the idea and the pictures. I like the flyswatter, too.
I think you have the cage upside down? It looks like it for some reason lol

LOL EDIT: FAIL I'm on my phone and it only shows the cage and not the door lol MAH bad
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