Make your own water crystals.


New Member
If someone wants to try it. I don't need them. Get an unscented diaper, hit it with water, wait 15 minutes, and break it open. There you go-- water crystals. I would recommend trying it out on a few insects first instead of your whole colony.
Well that title was a bit misleading. I was expecting water crystals not water diapers.
I bought an 8 ounce container at a reptile show of water crystals for like $3 and they last forever and if you are real cheap they are reuseable. Like a teaspoon of it turns into a 2 week supply for your insects. Interesting though about the diaper thing.
You can get water crystrals for cheap at home decor style stores. They're used for flowers so you can generally find them as powder there.
I work in heath care and have attended may information sessions on diapers.
Diapers contain anti fungal and antibacterial agents to prevent infections. I would not advise that for water crystals. What goes into your crickets goes into your cham.
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