Making your reptibreeze xl bioactive and naturalistic

Absolutely fantastic!! How has the drainage been working out for you? I was hesistant to use a tray for my XL Reptibreeze out of fear water would leak out of the sides. I instead used pond liner for mine.

Here is my version of a blog and tutorial video:

Looks absolutely great as well 👌🏻👌🏻. I found a way to balance the usage of water by the plants and the amount of water. Lots of plants at the bottom can do that trick.
Absolutely fantastic!! How has the drainage been working out for you? I was hesistant to use a tray for my XL Reptibreeze out of fear water would leak out of the sides. I instead used pond liner for mine.

Here is my version of a blog and tutorial video:

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bumping this and going to ask another question.

Are money trees at all toxic to panthers? Sometimes grasshoppers will hide away in my chams enclosure and I noticed they love to eat the money tree then my Cham will eat the grasshopper. Wonder if that has anything to do with him getting sick?
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