Male carpet closes one eye . . .


New Member
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to post this in case anyone has experienced this with one of their chams.
*** I understand that it is not normal for chameleons to close their eyes during the day, and that a trip to the vet may be in order . . .

Anyway, this male started to close his left eye while basking during the day. (At first I thought it was both eyes until I walked around the cage and saw it was only his left.) It almost looked like he was relaxing and chill'n in the warmth of the light. As soon as he sensed me near his cage he would open the eye and watch me. Although concerning, I gave it a few days because I really was not convinced that he had a problem with this eye. Well, as I watched him a few times since, he now closes the eye right in front of me.
I even took him out to look at it and he did it while on my hand! I used a magnifying glass to look at the eye (I know, probably scaring the crap out of him) and did not see anything abnormal with it.
Also, he does not do it all the time . . .


Anyone seen or heard something like this before?


Im no expert but i do know a possibility. Some local breeders in town have an ambilobe that will have one eye closed most of the time unless he knows your close by. She explained his symptom of being "chronic dry eye" and it still fuctions and he acts normal and eats normally he just has that one eye that drys out quickly when its open so if he has it open it wont be for long. This could be totally different but if your not seeing any strange goop in his eye or swelling of sort it may have to do with the fact its drying out. Or there's the possibility that something got inside of it as well. Could be a number of things. Just tossing out a possiblity
I have had this issue before. It is best to nip it in the butt assuming that the problem is the same. Being that it is only the one eye I would guess that it is a particle of some sort that has gotten in the eye. Showers are in order when this is the case. A fifteen minute shower everyday helps that chameleon to clean its eyes. They take water in and flush out whatever ails them. If that does not help it is possible that there could be some sort of infection but normally you will see some build up. Definitely try the showers first. It will stress the cham at first but they normally enjoy it after they settle in.
Thank you both for your comments and advice. It makes sense about the dry eye and showers have been suggested. My gut feeling is that it is no more than this but I wanted to get other thoughts. I will work on the showers and set up a humidifier for his cage and see it that helps. If not I will take him to the vet.

Thanks again

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