Male dubias mating???


New Member
Ok so I just went to grab some roaches to feed and I swear two large fully winged males were mating!! I looked closely because I thought maybe their wings got stuck together but no ones rear was in the others!! Anyone ever seen this?
Nope. But lmao the images! The images! I just imagined what that would look like. Umm. Awkward!
Guessing one male had just finished with a female and had a bit of a left over female "scent" about him. Dubia's breeding is triggered (as most life on the planet) by pheramones.
Oh my, I think a little dinner cam back up.. Thanks Royden.. Phooey!
Im confused!? I was grossed out by the wording, not the action. LOL.
Well it's completely off-topic, but Proposition 2 in Florida was an amendment to define marriage as between 1 man and 1 woman. I think the biggest concern though was that it abolished civil unions. "Vote no on 2!" was the slogan for the GLBT community. I'm a DIEHARD conservative, but even I voted against it, yet it still passed.
Well it's completely off-topic, but Proposition 2 in Florida was an amendment to define marriage as between 1 man and 1 woman. I think the biggest concern though was that it abolished civil unions. "Vote no on 2!" was the slogan for the GLBT community. I'm a DIEHARD conservative, but even I voted against it, yet it still passed.

Which blows a lot of peoples minds...almost as much as 2 male dubias going at it:eek:
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