New Member
So I have about a year old male Jackson's chameleon and I know they are prone to getting Temporal Gland Infections but he has no signs around the corners of his mouth that might indicate it. He doesn't seem to have any trouble breathing as he's not wheezing or coughing either. BUT, he hasn't eaten in a few days and I noticed he hasn't pooped either .. could he be constipated? Or just dehydrated? The last couple nights I've sort of force fed him water with a dropper/teaspoon but he still doesn't seem to move around a whole lot, he just lays on a branch for hours with his head rested on it, sometimes with his eyes closed. When I take him out of his cage he's very active but not when I put him back in. Worried about him and going to the vet isn't really an option at the moment. His eyes aren't sunken in so that's good. Thinking it may be constipation, I read some forums saying to try a small drop of mineral oil or cod liver oil, I gave him a drop or two of cod liver oil last night along with water but he still hasn't gone to the bathroom yet... Any ideas on what this may be? He shows no other symptoms other than lethargy and lack of appetite and not pooping....