Male or Female Ambanja?

Here are a few more pics of my cham relaxed. Although I am not sure why it he or she is so dark, it was like that all day yeserday too? Still eating and active though so I am not worried.


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Really!! What makes you so sure?? I have been getting alot of people tell me female more than male. My buddy has a Blue Bar Ambilobe that is the same age and the hemi penis bulge is very present where this one shows no signs of one that I can see. I am interested to know what makes you put a 100 bucks on it?
I dunno, im lookin at it and im Seein nothing but female.

the last photo he put up just is DANG thats gotta be a female, no buldge, ZEN ZEN.

I took your advice and tried what you said Chameleons Tree. I have an older male panther he is 3 but is a Maroansetra, it is the one in my avatar pic. I put the little one on my hand and showed it to him. He puffed right out and started head bobbing. Is this what you meant by twitching?

lol yes thats it
Im stillthinking female but its really hard. When did you say you were going to purchase another? I would watch out with using the male to see if female. Yes this might work but again it might not. My older male thought my younger male was a female untill 5 months old when he was clearly a male for the 2 months I had him before. The little guy would fire up to him and the older one would still do his courtship thing. He doesnt do it anymore but has yet to see the little one as a threat i guess. I havent got to see him fire up at a male before but he does it to me all the time hahaha.
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