Male or Female Ambilobe?


New Member
Hi Everyone,

This little guy/gal was shipped to me in February as a 4 month old ambiloble male. After I questioned the breeder on size she said maybe he is only 3 months old, she could not remember.

Anyways, he/she has shed a few times and grown a bit (still on the small side) since I got him/her and I would love to give this little one a name, but am waiting to find out the sex. So, what do you think? MALE OR FEMALE?

Thanks in advance! :)






Thanks to everyone who responded. Its interesting because when I posted pictures a month ago the majority of the votes were male....but the end result was that we should wait and see how he/she develops to know for sure.

I will post again in a month or two and see what you all think then, but I have a feeling you are all right and it is a female.

Thanks again!!!! :D

You should get yourself a partial refund since you got a female... That would really annoy me. :(

The thread I started a month ago was closed because the breeder was involved. (I invited her so she knew what was going on.) She was incredibly insulted that I would even question that she wrongly sexed this baby. Because I "ruined" her business by posting on this forum she told me she will NOT give me any sort of refund.
The thread I started a month ago was closed because the breeder was involved. (I invited her so she knew what was going on.) She was incredibly insulted that I would even question that she wrongly sexed this baby. Because I "ruined" her business by posting on this forum she told me she will NOT give me any sort of refund.

Sorry to hear that was the response. She is adorable though
Hi, sorry to invade your thread, but I'm new to this site and I cannot seem to figure out how to post my own new thread. Can someone please navigate me through this site so I can post my own stuff? Sorry! lol thanks :)
Hi, sorry to invade your thread, but I'm new to this site and I cannot seem to figure out how to post my own new thread. Can someone please navigate me through this site so I can post my own stuff? Sorry! lol thanks :)
Go to forums, and then select the type of thread you want to discuss (generall discussion, food, etc) and click on that and then at the top of everyone's threads select New Thread :)
The thread I started a month ago was closed because the breeder was involved. (I invited her so she knew what was going on.) She was incredibly insulted that I would even question that she wrongly sexed this baby. Because I "ruined" her business by posting on this forum she told me she will NOT give me any sort of refund.

Which breeder is this? And it's not that insulting. It can be difficult to sex a chameleon so small, even with years of experience. She was wrong about this one, for instance.
Which breeder is this? And it's not that insulting. It can be difficult to sex a chameleon so small, even with years of experience. She was wrong about this one, for instance.

I am not sure if forum rules permit me to announce who the breeder is, I would prefer to not have this thread closed. I will send you a private msg...
I know everyone is saying female based on colour but Im not so sure about that. I still have a feeling that its possibly a male. For a panther of 5-6 months of age (regardless of its sex) it is small for its age, yours hasnt hit a growth spurt yet and is a late bloomer. My 3.5 month old female panther is almost bigger than yours.
I was wondering if you have any other pictures of the chameleon displaying any other types of colours? Some lighter shades? Like a light shade body colour with dark colour bars?

How much do you feed your chameleon every day and what are its ambient and basking temperatures, is there also a UVB source being supplied?
How much do you feed your chameleon every day and what are its ambient and basking temperatures, is there also a UVB source being supplied?

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - 4-5 month old ambilobe panther chameleon, been in my care for 1 month.
Handling - not often and for short periods of time.
Feeding- 12plus insects a day. Mainly crickets but also small superworms, dubias, and occasional mealworm. (Too small for silks/hornworms.)
Gut load = squash, kale, endive, carrot, apple, oranges etc...
Supplements - repcal calcium 5 days a week, calcium plus d3 and multi vitamins each twice a month.
Watering - hand mist 2-3 times a day (cage drys between mistings) also has a dripper that runs 5-6 hours a day.
Fecal Description - Brown and white - has not been checked for parasites but will take a sample into my vet next week.
History - came from a breeder in Calgary.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Exo Terra terrarium (glass) 18 x 18x 24tall.
Lighting - 60w regular bulb for basking. 5.0 UVB bulb (only a month old). Light's on at around 8am, off at 8pm.
Temperature - basking area is 87 degrees, ambient is 72, humidity jumps around between 60-80 percent depending on when I mist. All of these are measured by digital thermometers/hydrometer.
Plants - Live ficus, and some fake plants for extra hiding places
Placement - cage located in my reptile room on a top shelf. 3 sides of the cage are covered. Foot traffic is very low in that room.
Location - British Columbia, Canada

Current problem- don't know the sex of the baby, and it seems small for it's age.
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