Male or Female? Please.


Avid Member
Hi everyone. I'm still not sure if one of my panthers is male or female. Can you all help out please. He's a very slower grower and I have to hand feed him. He has never been able to shoot his tongue since I got him in January at the Pomona show. So I'm assuming that's why he's growing slowly. His sister is double his size. Let me know please.


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It's female. Also, she looks underfed. I understand she has to be hand fed, but you should make an effort to feed her more (I'm not criticizing you).

Good luck with her.
I'm trying to learn this cuz everyone keeps giving me different answers for mine what makes you think male and what makes you think female??
I'm trying to learn this cuz everyone keeps giving me different answers for mine what makes you think male and what makes you think female??

There's no hemipenal bulge as well as the fact it is displaying typical female colouration.
the thinness makes it harder me thinks. love the color nonetheless. the color does point to female, but i just cant say. no expert here.
I try to feed it as much as I can until it doesn't want anymore. Last time I counted ten crickets and I feed twice a day. It's hard, but I make sure to do it everyday. Plus, I have some crickets loose in there. It likes to hunt too, not that it can always catch them. Here is another one with some blue bars showing. Can you tell me what to look for too, lol.


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Panthers are 100% sexable as soon as they hatch if you know what to look for. That is definitely a female.
some are slow growers, but from that age it should be obvious from the colors. is it an ambilobe?

Yes. It's just odd to me that my other Ambilobe looked like this when he was 6 months old.:confused::confused::confused:


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Thanks Juli. It's true, though. There are occasionally times where fat juvies in the 3ish month range can be difficult to sex via a photo and if I'm not sure I won't "guess." I wish this was one of those times but that's definitely a female. A very pretty one, too.
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