Male or Female?


i think he/she is close to 2 1/2 months, the only color change has been from bright green to army camo color and also was really black when we fist put it in the new cage, but quickly changed back


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    350.2 KB · Views: 161
Just took this but prob hard to tell.. I'll post one other pic that I have that may work ... Thanks


  • image.jpeg
    300.5 KB · Views: 167
I'm thinking female also... I dint see any kind of spur... In this pic she does look bigger ... Maybe this one is a better pic to determine age.


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    164.6 KB · Views: 151
You can tell the age by the back feet/hands? Or are just referring to the gender? I believe she's a female
As you already know, some clearer photos of the back feet will help us determine the gender. That can wait until tomorrow though, when it’s a little brighter out for photos. I’ll echo what others have said and that based on the pictures your chameleon looks like a female and is about 4 months old.

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Welcome to the chameleon addiction. (y)
Thanks again Trace, I will take a good look today and send pic if still not sure. I had already decided I felt it was a female therefore, I didn't post anymore close up pics. I was looking for age which you stated previously as well as another member that she looked to be around 4 mth... Just what I needed. Great site and thanks again for clarification.
You are welcome! Check out our caresheets and don’t be afraid to ask questions. (Ignore the haters they are everywhere on the internet these days) Oh and we love pictures of chameleons growing up!
Veiled Chameleons are easily sexed from birth by the tarsal spur but it is small. By 4 months of age it is much bigger and very apparent. I think you have a little girl there.

When they do become a little older you will have to modify her feeding habits a bit to keep her slim and cut down on egg overproduction. Provide a laying bin in her cage at about 6 months of age. Don’t panic, we here can get you through egg laying if she happens to do that. Be prepared though and check out our caresheet on lady care in advance.
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