Male or female?


New Member
I was told:
1st pic- female
2nd pic- male
3rd pic - male


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Look at the heels for tarsal spurs…males of this species have them visible at birth…females don’t….for future reference…

Are they all in separate cages? Can they see each other?

The female here is sexually mature and likely producing eggs now…so do you have a proper lay bin in her cage? How long have you had them.
Female veileds can produce/lay infertile/eggs without mating…and if she has been over fed, the clutch can be huge and lead to reproductive issues such as follicular stasis and egg binding.

Both can be avoided most of the time by proper husbandry.
Here’s a link so we can help you with your husbandry if you answer the questions…
Is that the same Chamaeleo calypatratus in the pictures? If that is the same chameleon I am going to say female. I am not spotting any tarsal spurs. Pictures of the back of the feet would be good for gender IDing.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
They are each in their own enclosures. They can't really see each other because i have plastic sheeting around sides and backs of each to maintain humidity. I got pic 1 may last year and they said they think she was about 7months. I do have a egg bin in her cage. I only feed her every 3 days 3-4 cricket or roaches, with an occasional mealworm. I have tried to see the spur on the 2 males but I don't see it, but I am not sure. Pics 2 and 3 I got them last year in June, they were babies. Pic 3 was really small and has just started growing in the last 3 months.
I am not spotting any tarsal spurs on any of the three pictures. Picture #3 looks to be possibly the front foot. However from what I have seen with the lack of tarsal spurs all three are female Chamaeleo calypatratus.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
I agree that all three are female. I’m going by not just tarsal spurs, but by casque height and primarily coloring & patterns. Here’s some pics of my male to compare.
This was my male when just about 4 months old. His color bands are yellow and green and quite well defined. He also has the prominent tarsal spur. His casque proportionally is about as tall as an adult females.

This was when he was an adult and you can see how tall his casque was. He was a bit brighter than his usual more grey hue since he hated when I bothered him.

Here he is at his peak of excitement (he was dancing for his girlfriend) and you can see the contrast of his colors and definition of oatterns.

I think my blog should be helpful to you, and in it are pics of my girls in their various cycles.
Hope this helps you. :)
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