male panther mated with female today

Hey there. My female panther was showing some pinkish color today, and I thought I would let the male and female see each other for the first time. I had the male on my hand and kinda moved him in to the cage. The female saw him right away and didn't puff up or gape or change color. The male was just anxious to get off my hand. She was in the lower corner and he moved onto a branch of the ficus. It took him about 5 seconds to see her and then his colors went nuts. He started head bobbing for about 15 seconds while slowly approaching and then approached very quickly. I was watching carefully for signs of rejection from her. I didn't see any. Then got up side by side with her with intense color and head bobbing. She would crawl along the cage with him kinda hanging on and following. They made it back to the ficus and got to a more comfortable spot and then copulation occurred. They've been "tied up" for about 6 minutes so far. She seems okay with the whole thing and they are kinda just resting there right now.

Question: should I separate them right away, or let them stay together for a few days? That is after they break apart?

Keep an eye on her, but they should be fine together for a few days maybe more. If this female is a virgin, it is possible that she could take much longer to reject him, and they could remain together for up to a week before she rejects him. Just peek in throughout the day and see what shes doing, you'll know when she done.
Thank you very much. It's been about 35 minutes now, they're still copulating. How long after mating does egg laying usually take place? Also, if she didn't reject him does that mean she was for sure receptive or is it possible she's just passive? I really appreciate the comments.

about 5 minutes into copulation he turned real dark green. Then about 40 minutes in she started to seem a little restless and started to move a little, he started head bobbing and fired up again. This lasted for about 2 minutes and then he pulled out and climbed up onto a higher branch still head bobbing like crazy. She's got a "what the heck just happened kinda look" he's just hanging out on a limb. After he climbed off whe didn't run off or anything she just moved a little and then just hung out.
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with my panthers once they were done i seperated them then the next day i put her back in his cage and they did their thing.this happen for three days then she became black and orange.
You can leave them together until the female does any of the following...turns dark, sways back and forth, gapes, lunges at the male.

I looked at the pictures in your other post. Judging from her size there, she might lay eggs sooner than normal...I suspect she is far enough along that she will "dump" infertile eggs and then go on to lay a fertile clutch.
I removed my male from the females cage shortly after they'd finished. I saw no reason to wait until the female gets pissy at him. One copulation was quite sufficient to produce a nice clutch of fertile eggs.
I leave my females in with my males as long as she is still receptive to him. The more times they copulate, the better your chances of a fertile clutch. Also, you get a VERY HAPPY MALE! lol :D:p
Also note that the longer you keep them together and the more times they copulate increases the chance of one or even two sperm retention clutches which may have otherwise been infertile.
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