Male panther seems to be fitting for no reason.


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male panther, approx 1 year old. 7 months
Handling - daily, always asks to come out and has a free range climbing frame
Feeding - He eats morio worms, hoppers, crickets, waxworms, moths. Eats daily, has small feeding 'stations' suspending in the branches that are fresh each morning with bugs to graze on which are removed each night.
Supplements - We use komodo chameleon vits and gutload all the bugs with repashy bug burger. We also use fresh ACE High vits mixed in.
Watering - We spray at least twice a day, but he also has a dripper that he uses that is running constantly and that we see him drink from, which is refreshed with new water every eve.
Fecal Description - Poo is normal coloured, not runny and a vet has checked him in the past for parasites and he was clear.
History - No previous history of any accidents, falls or injuries as far as we know. It was almost as if he just had a stroke.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Wooden viv exotic chameleon aboreal viv. 3ft high x 2ft wide, x 2ft or thereabouts
Lighting - arcadia 6 % with reflector. Lights on timers..12 hours on/off
Temperature - Basking spot is around 88-90F Lowest overnight temp is about 70'F Have a habistat high powered heat mat 60 w giving a gentle heat at night time if its cold, but its not on often as theres other reptiles in the room so the room is quite warm. There is a daylight lamp on a thermostat during the day.
Humidity - Humidity is fine, there is a gravel filled water bowl at the base of the dripper plants and we spray him daily as mentioned above.
Plants - Lots of fake vines and plants, but no live plants.
Placement - Cage is in an upstairs bedroom and is raised off the floor above waist height.Top of cage is near the ceiling.
Location - UK

Current Problem - He was fine this morning, got home from work, he wanted to come out as usual so I put him on his climbing frame, then back in his viv whilst I had a shower, when I was getting ready he came out again, was walking on to the bed from my lap, then suddenly he seemed to be having a fit. He closed his eyes, I picked him up and then he wasnt unconscious but felt floppy and his head seemed to be leaning towards one side and each time he tried to climb, he'd miss with his grip and his body seemed to be bent/curving to one side. Afterwards, he was alert, eyes were fine, but just seemed to be continuously moving to correct his posture or try and climb. Half an hour later he looks much better, his colour is better, his grip has returned and now just seems a bit quieter, but has tried to climb and seems more like his old self. We just want to know, why it might have happened and what to do to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Sounds like a "fit" to me. I know it's a different species, but I have a Chihuahua, and sometimes she has a fall, or my bigger dog runs her over, and she has what we call a "reset." She will have a seizure for a few seconds, limbs going in funny directions etc(it's really scary). But after she is fine, seems a little sad but other wise recovers.

Maybe you didn't witness a fall. Or possibly he ate a big bug/substrate in his enclosure and it got stuck? A joint could have dislocated while walking onto the bed...I've had reptiles act really strange when they wanted to get away from me and go for a poop.

Good to hear he returned to normal. For now I'd just keep an eye on him. I think he will be ok:)
My Boy 'Recoil'

Thank you for the reply, it was very scary! He seems better now. However I will monitor him through the night, and take him to vets for a check up in the morning
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