Male Veild acting a lil strange


New Member
I don't want to post this in Health because I don't think it has anything to do with it, but what do I know?

My Male keeps climbing down his vines and sometimes the side of his wire cage and then walking around the bottom of his cage for like 10-15 minutes before climbing back up. . He never does this.

Don't know if its anything to be worried about or not. Maybe he's searching for food? I don't know.

Could it be he finally got over the fact that he's cage was rearranged and now wants to explore?
Thanks, just wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong. Seems he's never done that before while i've had him.
Yeah as long as hes active and keeping a normal appetite i wouldn't worry to much about it. Chameleons are random sometimes.
Yeah I still have it in my head that I'm going to screw it up and they'll end up dieing for it. I thought I would post to ease my nerves a bit. :) Thanks
Mine has been climbing along the side of his cage lately too. My guess is that he is maturing and starting to feel comfortable enough to do something different.
My Male keeps going down to the bottom of the door and sitting there after he gets tired of walking around the bottom. I opened it and took him out for a few minutes, to see if he might just be wanting to get out. He didn't hiss or try and bite just can right out onto my hands. I held him for a minute or two then put him back and he's been sitting on the same vine I put him on since. It was kinda weird.

Maybe its the time of the year
If he's mature and knows there's a female nearby, he's probably trying to find a way out of that cage!
Never thought of that before. They are like neighbors my Chams. The cages aren't too far apart.

Here is a picture of how the cages used to be. I later moved the glass one beside the wire one and put a sheet in between the two. then I bought the female a new cage and it wouldn't fit over by the male, so the new cage (Pic2) is in the same place as the glass one in (pic1)

If that makes since.


My big male veiled wanders around on the front of his cage sometimes too. Are you sure he can't see the lady at all? Kind of looks like if he could see her at an angle. They have tremendous eyesight. I've seen mine watch me (and the cats when before my chams had their own house) from 30' away.

Sometimes I let him out and he just wanders around everywhere. I try to keep him out of sight of the ladies, though. Don't need to stress them and frustrate him.

I'm sure he can see her. I don't have any other place to stick the cages though. They normally don't pay attention to each other.
I'm sure he can see her. I don't have any other place to stick the cages though. They normally don't pay attention to each other.

Well every male gets excited about seeing a good looking chick, well, pretty much all the time. lol. The look but don't touch may work for most of us but Cham's probably don't understand that very much. After a while, and with the ability to be able to see her, he's going to get angry that he can't go over and play with her for a little while. Might even start to upset him.
I'll try and find some way to cover part of his cage for a week or so, give him a little break.
yea, my male is up and down in his cage all the time.
Sexual maturity may have something to do with it.
A female nearby will also have something to do with it.
Just let him do his thing.
I want to breed them and try it out. Waiting for a few months after she turns a year. I'm freaked she'll get egg bound and die on us. So I'm trying to convince my BF to try it out. I think it would be an awsome learning experience and who knows, he may like it and let me breed them more then once. :)
I don't want to post this in Health because I don't think it has anything to do with it, but what do I know?

My Male keeps climbing down his vines and sometimes the side of his wire cage and then walking around the bottom of his cage for like 10-15 minutes before climbing back up. . He never does this.

Don't know if its anything to be worried about or not. Maybe he's searching for food? I don't know.

Could it be he finally got over the fact that he's cage was rearranged and now wants to explore?

Both of my boys are doing this... I don't get it. Jake has lost two claws from walking on the screen.
Both of my boys are doing this... I don't get it. Jake has lost two claws from walking on the screen.

Sounds painful. I broke the tip of a nail off my Male, but he was okay. He got stuck on the wire or something brushed against his foot, I don't remember. Its weird.
I want to breed them and try it out. Waiting for a few months after she turns a year. I'm freaked she'll get egg bound and die on us. So I'm trying to convince my BF to try it out. I think it would be an awsome learning experience and who knows, he may like it and let me breed them more then once. :)

I don't want to make a statement I can't back up... But it was my understanding that it doesn't matter if she mates or not when it comes to becoming egg bound. I thought it has more to do with the timing of laying the eggs.

I also wanted to add that my boys have new cages.. I would assume they are exploring... but maybe its more to do with the maturing? maybe his hormones are going a bit nuts and he wants to find a mate? I notice he comes down when I have the blinds open and natural light is hitting near by objects. It seems like he is trying to get out and enjoy some real sun. On the weekends I like to put Fred and Jake outside for a couple of hours.
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