Male Veiled Chameleons

I have a male and a female and my female is way more social and nice then my male. my female i can reach in and pet her tail and everything when she is eating and my male if you even put ur hand in his cage he leans and hisses at you. I even handled him since he was little and hand fed him and everything. But im assuming the same luck of the draw!!
Sure they can be, just luck of the draw really.

I agree totally. And ontop of that I go at mine in a very slow and calm manner. They can sense any tenseness or nervousness like dogs or bees, it's that cool 6th sense that I wish I could perfect like they do!! I'm getting pretty good at taming my boys. My veiled was 8months old wen he came home from the speciality store and a very mean cranky guy. That was a few months ago and now he'll walk right out of his cage and onto me no problem. Sounds funny but try meditating infront of their enclosure. It'll help you both;-)
Thank you guys!
I just want a male for my female.. so i wanted to know if i could handle it the same. haha.
Male Veileds do have a reputation for being not-so-nice, but every chameleon is different. They are extremely cool and have voracious appetites. Very fun to watch and beautiful animals.
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