
shurefire way to sex mantids

I'm viewing on a phone so its hard for me to tell. The one on you fingers is definitely male I think the bottom brown one in post#2 is female. I can't see the images well enough to make anything of the others.

One sure way to tell, if they complain alot or just plain wont shutup, they are female. Lol.
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I'm viewing on a phone so its hard for me to tell. The one on you fingers is definitely male I think the bottom brown one in post#2 is female. I can't see the images well enough to make anything of the others.

One sure way to tell, if they complain alot or just plain wont shutup, they are female. Lol.

haha funny guy.

ok so the little guy is male, so he can have a name now.
ill take better photos, of the abdomen.

the brown ones are two differnt ones, i only have 3.
caution advised

Be careful, the females are dangerous. First they'll seduce you with their bedroom eyes, right before they spend all of your money, and then they will cut your heart out and eat it for breakfast while they get cozy with their new boyfriend (next victim) .

Oh, I'm sorry, I must have been reminiscing back to the good o'l days.
all kidding aside, a female will kill the male, so he should definitely be housed in a top secret level4, secure environment, otherwise they will torture him to death with their evil feminine mental telepathy, oh I'm sorry, was I rambling again.
Be careful, the females are dangerous. First they'll seduce you with their bedroom eyes, right before they spend all of your money, and then they will cut your heart out and eat it for breakfast while they get cozy with their new boyfriend (next victim) .

Oh, I'm sorry, I must have been reminiscing back to the good o'l days.
all kidding aside, a female will kill the male, so he should definitely be housed in a top secret level4, secure environment, otherwise they will torture him to death with their evil feminine mental telepathy, oh I'm sorry, was I rambling again.

Hehe. its totally true.

and they are being seperate into 3 cages this weekend.

i love watching them eat.. and the little one, that we think is male, loves to come out to play.

i know they can eat bugs, and bananas. but anything else?
I've gotten them to eat strawberry, kiwi, plantains, watermelon, cantelope, casaba, grapes,honeydew, pretty much anything cool sweet and moist.bigger ones will also eat neon tetras lol. Too many cricks arent good for them and adult cricks could kill them if left unattended.
I've gotten them to eat strawberry, kiwi, plantains, watermelon, cantelope, casaba, grapes,honeydew, pretty much anything cool sweet and moist.bigger ones will also eat neon tetras lol. Too many cricks arent good for them and adult cricks could kill them if left unattended.

they were eating fruit flies. i only put 4 crickets in at atime, and watch them hutn and eat, like the chams, i remove whats left.

ill try all the stuff you mentioned. i always have that around the house during the summer time.
I love mantids, some even like to watch tv, idolomantis diabloica, probably the largest and most evil looking of all mantids wont even bite. my friend precarious333 has some and they like to hang out in the bush on his desk or sit in the window and watch cars go by.

He has some exquisite vids of them on you tube just yt search idolomantis. They are almost a foot long.
I love mantids, some even like to watch tv, idolomantis diabloica, probably the largest and most evil looking of all mantids wont even bite. my friend precarious333 has some and they like to hang out in the bush on his desk or sit in the window and watch cars go by.

He has some exquisite vids of them on you tube just yt search idolomantis. They are almost a foot long.

a foot long mantid?!?! how do you buy such a thing!?!?!

they really do have personalities. the little one loves to hang out on my hands. reaches for my fingre everytime i reach in the cage.

theyll follow my hands with their eyes, and wave their arms at me.
You have to get them as an oothe or young mantids. Oddly enough, idolos are real clumbsy and adults don't sbip well. They only come from the congo and are technically illegal to keep or import, but keeping idolos, is the holy grail for most serious mantis keepers, watch the vids and you will see why.
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You have to get them as an oothe or young mantids. Oddly enough, idolos are real clumbsy and adults don't sbip well. They only come from the congo and are technically illeagle to keep or import, but keeping idolos, is the holy grail for most serious mantis keepers, watch the vids and you will see why.

i did. those things are amazing. i watched a female shedding, it was beyond cool.
Their more like a subway 6 inch, than a foot long. But they are a big mantis. I had some mate over the weekend so hope to have offspring in the near future.
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Precarious is AWESOME and he really knows his way around a camera. Some of the best stuff out there. He's also the biggest mantis "pusher" out there. I'm a regular and he panders my mantis addiction regularly. I'm raising some beautiful shield mantis that he had offered a while back. They are stunning and I love their shields.
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