Mantis just hatched!


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My Mantis just hatched! They are just falling out of the case. How long before they start eating each other? I'm at work and can't get there till this evening and my daughter won't touch them.
I would pick them up something to eat if you dont already has something but you should be fine till then
Well since it's my first time :confused: and I really don't know what I'm doing. I might end up with about 25-30 if I'm lucky. When they hatched and I didn't have any FF yet, I felt sorry for them and let alot of them go in my backyard. :eek: I was even catching knats with a butterfly net to feed them :rolleyes:. So needless to say, when I would open the large container I had most of them in, some of those little critters just escaped.:eek: Let me tell you, I've had a ball and some good laughs about it. :D I have 3-4 in about 15 water bottles each, plus maybe 6 in the large container. We'll see
I just ordered a couple ooths and some FF's and they are on their way as we speak..I can't wait to give Kamish a mantis!
I just ordered my ff this week from colorcham427/Brian. I still dont have my ooths yet though. I have a confirmed shipping date i should get them today.(fingers crossed) I ordered 4 cultures you think thats enuff?
You will have fun with them Donna. I hatched out a bunch last Spring and it was really cool keeping them. I ended up selling some of them off as they got big, but most of them were used as feeders eventually.
I figured i have some time to decide. But im undecided between a rubber made tote with dividers made of cardboard. I figured I go make about 15-18 seperate chambers and just cut a piece of screen to cover the top so they dont move from chamber to chamber. Or im going to do the deli cups. But that seems like more prep than the one big tote. Oh and my ooths just got here! Its great when fedex shows up with a suprise.
I just ordered my ff this week from colorcham427/Brian. I still dont have my ooths yet though. I have a confirmed shipping date i should get them today.(fingers crossed) I ordered 4 cultures you think thats enuff?

Thats how many i ordered and if you have to wait to hatch mantis you can multiple the FF fast. they reproduce easily. I also ordered the 4 from colorcham lol good price i couldnt resist. I havent go mine yet but i ordered some methyl paraben too so i can make alot of my own media and get them to mutiple.
I figured i have some time to decide. But im undecided between a rubber made tote with dividers made of cardboard. I figured I go make about 15-18 seperate chambers and just cut a piece of screen to cover the top so they dont move from chamber to chamber. Or im going to do the deli cups. But that seems like more prep than the one big tote. Oh and my ooths just got here! Its great when fedex shows up with a suprise.

I thought about the tote with cardboard chambers, but since you need to mist/water them, I changed my mind. Yeah, everyone at work knows when I get feeders!

Took about 3 weeks and all of a sudden they just started dropping out of the case like rain.
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