mantis pic?

macro junkie

New Member
is it ok to post a mantis pic on this forum?

adult male ghost mantis 2X life size

Damn hot! I NEED A MACRO! Damn nice pic! Keep it up, and post more pics on this forum. Love your camera and your artistic work!
Damn hot! I NEED A MACRO! Damn nice pic! Keep it up, and post more pics on this forum. Love your camera and your artistic work!

thanks..yer having an SLR is great fun.So?am i aloud to post mantis pics with out getting in trouble with the mods?i see its a chameleon forum so im unsure?i have maybe 10-15 species to show you all.i breed them :)
I have no idea, think someone else can reply to that question but god lovely pic! Got msn?
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