March 31st (Tues) South Bay Chameleon Keepers Meeting

Are you painting ladies now? Is that a new side job?:D

I wish!!:D

I was able to get a few cultures of painted lady butterflies. These might be offered at a lower cost by Mulberry Farms in the future. These are sometimes available on the site, but there is a LOT more money in selling them as educational 'experiments' than as reptile food. That is why the price isn't so great on the site. I was told if there is a surplus I might be able to get them for meetings or for local pick-up at a more reasonable price.
I think my kids would cry if I fed painted ladies to my chams.:( They get all choked up when I feed skippers, but since I pay them 50cents each to catch them they overcome it.
I think my kids would cry if I fed painted ladies to my chams.:( They get all choked up when I feed skippers, but since I pay them 50cents each to catch them they overcome it.
Howdy Tylene,

You may have stumbled across something...

"Clean-up your room or I'll feed-off another Painted Lady to the chameleon!" :rolleyes:

I have another baby and an egg for you to baby sit. :) The egg should hatch tonight or maybe in the next day or so.

They littlle leopards are a few days early

Great Seeing You All!

It was great seeing everyone. I almost didn't come but I had an order for a lot of feeders from Kevin Z. Thanks Kevin! :D

There were some new faces and some really cool little critters.

Sorry I didn't bring any fruit flies. I have been off schedule the past few weeks but should be getting myself back on track this month. Things are settling down.

Kevin A - THANKS FOR THE DUBIAS!!! I hope I can keep these going. Some of us are less talented with breeding bugs. Thankfully there are those who are too good at it!!! Again, thank you very much.
Yes thank you "Kevin A to Z" for covering the bugs for me.

The roaches are creepy, but awesome. I gave them a 1/4 of a banana that no longer exists. I think I might need a heat mat for them though. 100 degrees is more ideal right?

Thanks a bunch for them Kevin A. Thanks for the baby too, although he is more of a moody teenager at this point. He is really starting to show some light reds and yellows the past few days.

Enjoying my gaggle of worms too. Big thanks for those Kevin Z. His bug runs save me shipping, and make Chameleo Estevez a happy camper. It's a service that I really appreciate.

Thanks to Dave for the pile of advice too. It seems like I learn at least 10 new things minimum when I talk to him.

Thanks to Steve for the crickets and the crack. Wow, 500 seems like alot more than I was expecting. Thanks for putting the number in perspective last night though. :cool:

Glad you made it last night Elisa. Your daughter and you look so much alike. She was very sweet, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Everyone who didn't go is missing out. These past 2 meetings I have been to have been as fun as they are informative.

Oh and there was a hedgehog destroying a superworm. It was pretty awesome.
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