Market on Panther Chameleon in the New England area.


I am a Chameleon pet owner who loves Panther Chameleons with intentions on breeding.

My main question is what other chameleon breeders and owners opinion on the market of Panthers in the New England area? Is there a good demand for them?


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Im in Rhode Island and I have the same question. The people who sold me my nosy faly male said that they have never sold a chameleon to anyone in this state and that people seem uninterested. RI seems to have very few reptile stores now and I've never seen a panther chameleon for sale at the few I have been to. That being said there is always the option of branching out and finding markets elsewhere. Ill be taking my first swing at breeding panthers this year and I'll do whatever I can to find them good homes.
I'm in CT and am looking for a good local breeder (I posted a question about it recently). I'm not sure what the market/ prevalence is otherwise.
With COVID and all the shipping issues that came with it I became wary of ordering a new cham from elsewhere and would rather pick one up somewhat locally. Although, I have heard that shipments aren't facing the same issues they were a few months ago.
I'm in Florida and starting breeding as well, and all I can say that I had shipped some chams from Wisconsin UPS overnight, no problem. And that was about 2 months ago. If you order feeders, they are usually shipped by the horrible USPS and some of mine took weeks, but all bugs came alive thou, so I don't think that you have to just look at your market, to buy or sell, just mho.
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