

New Member
Ok, is it possible to have a gay cham? lol j/k
My male shows no interest in my female at all!! They are even in the same plant together and the female will walk up close and lay out on a branch but my male has nothing to do with her. He doesnt try to mean he just hangs out and acts as if she is not there.....what do i do???
That's odd...what breed are they? And are you sure they're the same breed? At the least, they ought to have some kind of reaction to each other. If she doesn't mind his presence, then she's obviously up for mating, but I'm thinking he has to perceive her as some kind of threat to not be interested.
they are both veiled chams. My female is 2 and my male is 1. im sure they are both veiled chams. im sure of their sexes. I know it is really weird that she is receptive and he doesnt mind hanging around her but doesnt show any interest in breeding with her. Should i put them in the same cage together instead of in an open area or just on the same plant? He doesnt hiss or gap his mouth open at her or anything and both their tails are nice and straight.
It takes some time to them getting to know each other. Let's say he is
waiting for the right moment.
so should i just keep putting him in her cage like every other day? for couple hours as long as they are getting along?
Sometimes it takes a few tries, its possible your female is not receptive right now.

SOmetimes with males, it just takes a while for them to figure it out.

I would put them together and see what happens. if she gets angry, remove her. if he does, seperate.
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