Maybe A Silly Question About 6500k Plant Lights

Well I apologize then, I didn't (and don't in hindsight) understand what you were originally asking...I'm not trying to start anything but you do seem very angry at me... ??

I seen you just trying to explain how 6500K is not a type of light bulb but ONLY a color. Which this is not true; look at however you want, I consider 6500K as a type of light, as well as knowing that it is obviously a color/temperature of light.

It is not a "temperature" (or "color") of light; the two words combined are one term "color temperature". It is a measure of the sum of the respective colors included in the light. You can consider it whatever you want, I was using the terms as they are used by the scientific community to the best of my knowledge. This might be "your" thread, and I am quite delighted that at 19 you know a lot about animals, etc., but you are not the only person reading these boards. Being in possession of specific, relevant information, I find it my responsibility to ensure that the information distributed throughout the community (and especially to new or shy users) is correct information. Since you are also in possession of such information, I would hope that you step out of your way to correct someone who does not have the correct UVB or supplements for their animal, even if they get upset at being wrong about their care. I realize people do not like being corrected, and I am looked upon negatively for this...I try to do so in a polite manner, but I do not always accomplish this (and, personally, it is a weak point I have been attempting to improve).

Many users will read these threads and have their questions answered without ever posting a question. When I make a post, I consider not only the person who asked, but others who may have a similar question. I may include additional information that is not asked for, because in hindsight, I feel that I would have wished I knew that information in their shoes (and they may not know to ask).

Given the venue of the internet, every reader's background knowledge is different. I tend to include additional information for the sake of those other readers who may not know what the poster knows. This is not meant as an attack on the poster's knowledge or anyone else.
I need pictures when you're done. Don't you hold out on me. ;)
Go to Seeco's threads and look for the ones starting My Methods Part...(he has 5 and two of them show and explain his outdoor cages which are just phenomenal in my opinion). And don't worry, when I'm done with his outdoor cage, and the indoor (I have a 2x2x4 reptibreeze now but will get rid of it after I get the money to build one) I will for sure post pics and help anyone intersted in how they will be built :)

I'm telling you.. I LOVE (not screaming) my Ficus. It's variegated and one of the most beautiful Ficus trees I've ever seen. It's nice and strong too. All I can fit in Bodhi's cage is a Umbrella and Ficus. The Ficus is still really small for his age and the Umbrella needs to get about a foot taller. So I've still got a long way to go with them but they work great. I would really like some color in his cage. Any recommendations?
The more colorful plants, other than Hibiscus are Schefflera trinette/variegata and normal Dracena (corn plant). If you haven't seen the thread by me titled, "Schefflera Trinette", then go check it out (sorry but I gave someone the link earlier but can't remember if it was you or not :eek:). Anyways those are probably your two best options for some nice color in there, and you can really brighten up the bottom of the cage by getting regular Croton or Pothos, or even both really(all these plants I have seen at home depot).

Have you looked into LED lighting? I've read little about it, and what I have read has been confusing. I really really really want to add it to my cage though. The benefits are awesome. I don't know where I would get the right kind, or if I could get one to fit a dome fixture. My cage is 4 foot and I don't even think my linear 5.0 UVB bulb is reaching it. I barely think it's reaching my Cham actually. I was using the CFL's before. I can't get the UVB fixture in the right position and it seems to penetrate less. I understand it is more spread out, which is why I got it. I would add a 5.0 CFL to one of the corners of his cage if I didn't think that would be too much.
Sorry, don't really know anything to tell you about LED lighting other than there was a thread on it the other day...If your concerned that your cham and plants aren't getting enough UVB then place the plant pots on something to raise them up off the ground and place highways, or at least a couple basking spots, closer to the top of the cage for your cham :)

Anyways.. LED lighting. Let's get on the ball with this. Is there anyone out there who can explain it in small words? And if you do use big words.. explain what they mean. I'm pretty well versed in everything except this one subject. I just can't seem to get it. I've yet to really have someone who can tell me in simple terms though. Pictures would also be great if anyone uses this. Me and you can get the complete lighting set-up Brandon. Let's do it!
You can DO IT!!!...All night long lmao, hahahahaha sorry but it was too easy :D:D:D. And again, I got nothing on the LED, let me know if you find something out please :)
Well I apologize then, I didn't (and don't in hindsight) understand what you were originally asking...I'm not trying to start anything but you do seem very angry at me... ??
No not anymore lol. I was only originally angry at you but that has blown over. Didn't you read my response? Or see all the friggin' smilies at the end? I also explained how all the excessive rudeness of others on here has lit a fire under me and that response from you to me just made me lose it because it was the second time that I have seen you post a reply like that, and it seemed you were just trying to lecture me without ever really answering my question. My question, since then has been answered, and just so you know, it was are there 6500K bulbs made for dome fixtures and that was it. It has been answered and yes there are 6500K bulbs made for dome fixtures. The reason I titled the thread as "Maybe A Silly Question" is because I had no idea if that level of K was in dome light bulbs, because I obviously know about house bulbs, and the eco friendly bulbs, and the reptile basking bulbs, but just didn't really know if 6500K's were made for dome fixtures or not..

It is not a "temperature" (or "color") of light; the two words combined are one term "color temperature". It is a measure of the sum of the respective colors included in the light. You can consider it whatever you want, I was using the terms as they are used by the scientific community to the best of my knowledge. This might be "your" thread, and I am quite delighted that at 19 you know a lot about animals, etc., but you are not the only person reading these boards. Being in possession of specific, relevant information, I find it my responsibility to ensure that the information distributed throughout the community (and especially to new or shy users) is correct information. Since you are also in possession of such information, I would hope that you step out of your way to correct someone who does not have the correct UVB or supplements for their animal, even if they get upset at being wrong about their care. I realize people do not like being corrected, and I am looked upon negatively for this...I try to do so in a polite manner, but I do not always accomplish this (and, personally, it is a weak point I have been attempting to improve).
I know that it's not temperature or color but is actually color temperature(when I keyed "color/temperature" it was simply a typo). Again dude, this was not the place to post all that those things about color temperature and everything else you went on about IMO. I am glad that your are very knowledgable about those things but they should have never been keyed into this post because those questions were neve asked and you just simply keyed your thoughts at will, and from what you saw I did not appreciate it, because it originally sounded rude and never in the least bit answered my very, very simple question that would have required a yes or no answer and at the most two sentences or so to explain. Not an essay on color temperature. Again, do not misinterpret me for being angry right now because I am not. I am simply saying that what I asked for you did not give, but instead attempted (and by attempted I actually mean explained flawlessly) to shed light on a subject that pretains to this but was something that I just didn't need or wanted to know. And if someone else found the information helpful then that is great, but it still should have been placed elsewhere, most appropriately in a thread created by yourself to talk about that subject. And yes, of course I would help someone out and tell them if they were wrong (I've critiqued and filled out around 6 How To Ask For Help Forms in like the past 2 or 3 days for crying out loud).

Many users will read these threads and have their questions answered without ever posting a question. When I make a post, I consider not only the person who asked, but others who may have a similar question. I may include additional information that is not asked for, because in hindsight, I feel that I would have wished I knew that information in their shoes (and they may not know to ask).
Right, I see your point, but do you really see anyone other than experienced keepers, or light/plant people even understanding what your talking about with color temperature and lumens and the likes? Granted it is informative but I see the majority of that information as being like, well lets say a type of math that you take in highschool that you will never use for the rest of your life. Sure it's good to learn something new to keep your brain working on a high level, but that type of information, the uneeded math and most or maybe just some or half of your info, will never be put into use, but just be knowledge that you are blessed to have stored into your memory.

Given the venue of the internet, every reader's background knowledge is different. I tend to include additional information for the sake of those other readers who may not know what the poster knows. This is not meant as an attack on the poster's knowledge or anyone else.
I would like to settle this now as I tried to in my previous post to you but you apparently did not quite see that I mean no harm. I am not angry at you. That was only early on and my previous post explained to you why I let some anger out on you and that we are square. The feeling is mutual for this post as well :) <-----(you see this smiley? This means I am happy, not angry dad gummit)
Indoor Sunshine Bulbs

Quick Question.

Can anyone recall if a ZooMed Mini Deep dome fixture will fit an Indoor Sunshine CFL(25w) without any overhang? or Will I need the Large size deep dome fixture?

Holy smokes/simmer down/overreact much? Sigh. Honestly, you guys, I started reading this thread because I am rather concerned about my plants (including my hibiscus) and was curious about the safety of other types of lights on my chameleon's eyes. I am hesitant to use any other types of lights besides the trusted uvb because of the worry of eye sensitivity. I was hoping that the topic would meander that way. I count on meandering threads to learn things. Answers to questions I never think to ask myself.
The only one I see taking things to the way of the rude here is the OP. For someone so concerned about off-topic information, you've really outdone yourself. The original topic, regardless of how you worded the question was requesting info about bulbs. So they provided extra information about bulbs, beyond the original question, big deal. It was still providing info about the bulbs in question. And I DID learn something I found valuable from it. I'm glad when people expand on original questions so that I can learn things I needed to know without having to open a new thread about it, and then getting told "there's been many threads about this, use the search function"
By restricting what people are allowed to say on "YOUR threads", you yourself are not being very community-minded for the other people trying to learn. Also not community-minded is taking your own thread about lighting completely off-course in order to blame one person's unnecessary or misinterpreted use of bold for an entire web community's population of rudeness. Yes I know some people are rude for no good reason sometimes, but it wasn't all this one person, and it didnt even seem the case this time, as far as I could tell. So if anything should not have been discussed in this thread, it wasn't the bulb colour thing, it was the "everybody's so rude lately" thing. That is something that should have been discussed in a new thread or maybe a private message if you felt so personally attacked. Or very simply and calmly have said "thanks for the extra info, I do understand about light colours, just didn't know if it was available in a compact form"
Everything else was unnecessary and distracted even more from your original question.
Better to assume that maybe one or the other of us misinterpreted something somewhere, and give people the chance to word things better rather than instantly go into super-attack mode.

Sorry if I become the new villain by taking things off course again, lol, actually i'm not even. :) but I woke up to this thread and was genuinely interested in the topic and then so disappointed that it didnt go where i was expecting. The bulb colour stuff didnt upset me but the other attack did. I imagine they're probably feeling upset right now and maybe even hesitant to offer helpful information any more since it may be interpreted as off-topic and warrant an attack. And that's not right. We (who dont already know everyhjing there is to know about bulbs) need these people to explain technical stuff to us. So I wanted to assure everyone who may happen across this discussion in the future that some of us really appreciate and learn from the sometimes off-topic information. You're welcome to post extra info on my posts anytime. Im about to start a new one on bulbs, if you'd care to join me. Tee hee. And since i'm not mad anymore, here's some friggin smilies to smooth everything over :) :) ;)
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this thread has gotten really silly,
i however am adding the new jungle dawn strip led light to my big setups for the plants so i will have some inout on them soon.
as for my quick thought on the origonal issuse.
i think that the origonal question left enought doubt as to your understanding of basic light info that Evillost thought that you would benifit from some basic knowledge on what exactlty you were asking. i feel this is one of the best ways for us to learn.
just my 2cents ;)
Actually I don't even think it was necessarily the op's first question that prompted the need to clarify what the 6500k thing stands for, I think it was more the potential confusion about would one be enough or do you need 3 bulbs for one hibiscus, etc. in case people might take that to mean that you needed a 3x stronger than 6500k bulb (ie 19,500 k, if there even is such a thing, lol)
I think they bolder that part to make it very clear to everyone who might read the thread, not necesarily because thet thought the op needed to know) that that 6500k and the wattage or strength etc of the bulb is different things. Usually if we're not hearing 5.0 or 10.0, or the wattage of cfl's, we're seeing references to heat bulb strengths - there's a lot of numbers involved in lights that mean different things, and this whole plant light colour is not mentioned as often, and there are different numbers involved besides that like strength i'm sure, which makes a difference and made sense to clarify under the circumstances.
Wow kids cutting and posting massive amounts of bad info again on this site, Situation normal here....

I keep seeing 6500k being used like its the gospel or something for plants. If you want a washed-out coloring in your vivarium then use 6500k otherwise if you want a natural daylight that actually looks like sunshine use the "color temperature" of 5000k. It will make your plants grow AND give a much more mid day natural light.

One suggestion for all the kids, try searching this site before posting your super basic "asked a million times before" question. There are lots of good info here but you actually have to look for it instead of being lazy by asking the same lazy questions.

What light ? What plant? What temp? Drainage? What new cage? See where im going with this?

all answered over and over and usually cut and paste by some noob who barely has any personal knowledge or experience other than what some one else has cut and paste as a reply. (by the way if you need drainage for indoor habitats, you're doing it wrong! Over watering!)

Since this is a lighting subject thread the best advice I can give for indoor habitat keepers is a combination of 4 or more t5 ho 5000k bulbs in cooperation with a mercury vapor bulb placed at the appropriate distance from the basking site or an additional t5 ho UVB bulb if a spot isn't required for the specific species.
(by the way if you need drainage for indoor habitats, you're doing it wrong! Over watering!)

please explaine your thoughts on this????????
where should the excess water go???????
(by the way if you need drainage for indoor habitats, you're doing it wrong! Over watering!)

please explaine your thoughts on this????????
where should the excess water go???????

That would be another thread entirely... But you nailed it by saying "excess".
(by the way if you need drainage for indoor habitats, you're doing it wrong! Over watering!)

please explaine your thoughts on this????????
where should the excess water go???????

See post # 172 in Canny Chams thread, Faly sick HELP ;)
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