Established Member
Hi, my chameleon has been having nerve spasms in her legs but she is able to walk, climb, and move without any problems at all. I was informed that it can be MBD by a friend but she has been consuming calcium without D3 everyday and then Calcium with D3 and multivitamins a few times a month. I have her basking bulb and her UVB light on for her during the day and she sits under the lights and basks. She recently has stopped eating for a few days, consuming a couple feeders a day because she just laid eggs a few hours ago. I have her dripper going for her all the time, I mist her cage, and her casque is not bent or soft. She seems okay with her colors because they are green and vivid, it's just her muscles that are odd. If anyone has any suggestions on what this could be that would be helpful. Also, if it doesn't get better post laying her eggs, I'm going to take her to the vet.