Meal Worms

Mama Lizzy

New Member
Hey all,

My Jackson's Chameleon ate her first meal worms on Sunday afternoon!

She gulped the first one down right off my palm with no problem. The second one was a bit of a struggle for her, as she kept her mouth open and seemed to be having a hard time getting the meal worm down. I was concerned she was going to choke so I put some water on her nose to ensure her tongue and mouth were wet enough.

Not sure how many she should eat at one time? She's about 3 months old now. She's been subsisting on fruit flies pretty much since we got her, so I thought it was about time she started eating other bugs.

Also, what other types of bugs from outside can I give her? Can she eat those rolly polly bugs? We've got tons of them outside (pesticide free), but I'm not sure if those are edible?
Definitely weren't super worms. They were tiny meal worms.

I've also got an ornate uromastyx lizard that eats the meal worms all the time.
Avoid outside bugs due to pesticides and parasites ,get her some small crickets put them in a bin with some dandelion leaves ,apple ,carrot etc.. at least overnight to fill the cricket up with nutrients, dust them with plain calcium ,and throw a half dozen in the enclosure and let her hunt. Search the forums ,start with the care sheets, and keep that Jax well hydrated, and humidity up, I can not recommend the Mist King highly enough.
Good luck!
I agree with Fogerty about not feeding wild isopods (rolly pollies) because they accumulate heavy metals. However other wild caught bugs like grasshoppers, moths, and aphids can be a good addition to a chameleon's diet as long as they are collected in a pesticide free area.

Hm…jackson chameleons love flies. That's what everyone says anyway. I will be giving some to mine soon, but I am not 100% sure whether or not they are appropriate for her age. Perhaps make a separate post about that unless someone here reading this can assure you blue bottle flies are okay for a 3 month old jackson chameleon.
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