mealworm beetles?


New Member
can mealworm beetles be used as a staple for my chameleon's food?
as i've stated before i absolutely hate crickets and would like to replace them with something different. my mom won't let me house roaches but maybe beetles will be different.
From what I have heard, and tried, Chameleons don't really see interest in the beetles. They don't move fast enough from what I can see.
LOL man my female cham is a fatarse then. she's eaten 3 the instant i introduce them to her.
i've fed them on seperate occasions and she's never ceased to go for them. these were handfed too!
crawling all over my arm i was trying to help her and laughed hysterically when she became frustrated and climbed on my hand to eat the sucker
It might be because you hand fed her? I know my chams won't touch the things. I'm not sure how good they are for chameleons, especially when mealworms are not recommended for chameleons.
yeah that was my reasoning, i'll try, i found a beetle today in my mealworm box and i'll see if she goes for it in the cage.
if she does, what should i do?
i really want a new feeder because everyone in the house hates them (crickets)
You can get superworms, but your best staple would be crickets or dubia roaches. there are numerous other feeders, but not necesarily (sp?) staples, such as, hornworms, silkworms, wax and butterworms. mantises too.
Personally I think their shells are way tough but you can try and remove the wings first. I'd go online and do a research on what the beetles contain nutrition wise and then go with that. Sorry I couldn't be much help but it's all I have, lol!
Don't totally eliminate the crickets, they are full of good nutrients, especially when gutloaded. Add in some softer bodied worms, and some superworms. I wouldn't bother with the mealworms or mealworm beetles, they look to have a hard shell on both the beetle and worm.
what do you keep them in? Don't free range them in the cage or however you do it. Try cup feeding it is more likely they don't escape.

Here is an old thread i found on nurtritional value of mealworms.

Another one: Its the feeder database in the food section of the forums. It doesn't have all of them, but it should have some information on the feeders:

so can supers be used as a primary staple?
so can supers be used as a primary staple?

Yes they can. But I would add a variety of feeders to its diet. Keep with crickets and supers, add in some softer bodied worms, and some more nutritious feeders, so it has a better diet. It has to eat something, so don't be strict with the feeders, just because you don't like it.
Well, you want your cham to live and not starve? I don't like any of the insects at all. I would love if they were vegetarians like me and at Boca Burgers, but you don't see that happening. You have to become lenient with them and try things even if you hate them. Trust me. I hated crickets with a passion but you do get used to them as time goes by. You will forget how much you hate them as you feed them off and get the next batch of them.
obviously my motives aren't to let my cham starve if i'm looking for other feeders. it's just that my choices are limited at this point
I have been planning on getting some of these beetles because what I understand is that if you put them into your roaches bin they will do all the clean up for you...
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