Mean Veiled Chameleon?


New Member
Will he possible get any nicer, if I keep playing with him, and hold him outside of his cage? I played with him a lot when he was younger? Suggestions?
lol every cham is diff i got one male that used to let me hold him and now only certain times he will allow me to take him out, and then my youngest male wont even let me anywhere near him, my 1 female used to allow me to hold her now sometimes she hisses , but my other 2 females are fine so far and they are older...these are all (Veiled's) that im talking about
I hate to sound like a negative nancy, but if your cham isn't very nice when you handle him, that's just his natural disposition.

Chameleons, especially veileds, don't tolerate handling very much, there are VERY rare cases where the chameleon MIGHT enjoy the handling, but these are solitary creatures by nature.

"playing" with him more will not make him friendlier, It will just stress him out and it could lead to health problems.

You could hand feed him, and this COULD possibly make him more comfortable with you so that won't hide as much, things like that, but i wouldn't handle him more then you ever need to (like when you need to move him to clean the cage, things like that)

Just respect his nature, and observe him for the amazing creature he is :)
My Female used to "come out to play" every day but as she'e got older she hisses sometimes, i now wait for her to make a move towards me when i hand feed fruit and veg she will "when in the mood" walk straight onto my hand as this doesnt happen too often i make the most of it, but respect her area so as not to cause stress.
regards Paul.
don't give up

I have a female veil who will pay you in crickets to leave her cage. she hangs on the door as soon as anyone goes near her cage. i can take her out at 7am and she will sit in my hand or forearm until 7pm. she just wants to be held. she let me hold her the day before laying eggs even. actually, i don't think she has ever been mean. nice ones are out there you just have to find them. (am told she came from flchams).
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