Meet Spud. Tamias Siberius (Asian Chipmunk)


New Member
hey all heres my little guy i just picked up today, hes an Asian chipmunk and is only about the size of my middle finger:D, hes still settling in but i managed to snap a pic or two.


glad you could see clearly :eek: i used a camera phone because my camera wasnt on hand. Hes a fast little bugger too!
hey all heres my little guy i just picked up today, hes an Asian chipmunk and is only about the size of my middle finger:D, hes still settling in but i managed to snap a pic or two.



Alright I have to ask where on earth did you get him? He is to cute! I would love to get some! When I was in Thailand they had some like that for sale around $20 but I of course couldn't get back in the states with those!
yes thats what i forgot to mention, hes a bit skittish because he wasnt handled much at the store but your supposed to give them daily handling...they can also be potty trianed but hes not doing so good with that.........i found pellets on my shirt ;)
I made him a nest to sleep iin because they like to feel secure and when i looked in on him he took it apart and made his own :D :p
Wow, a chipmonk as a pet??:confused:

Aren't they like wild and crazy?? :confused: Don't they bite??:confused:

It's going to kill you in your sleep!:(

I want one.....;):D
He will double in length and I havnt measured him but he's the size of a pencil, and no the Siberian chipmunk is really tame. But they may mistake a finger for food :D
oh yeah, gotta watch out for the cats too! but hes fine just hanging out around your arms. they wont sit still but theyll crawl around arm to arm. they dont necessarily TRY to get loose but if they do...well you get it :rolleyes:
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