Meet Tini my first chameleon.


New Member
I finally have pictures to upload. I got her on Wednesday, and I already love her. The last pic is when I first got her.

What do you guys think.?


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my guess is a petsmart? i got alot of the same stuff you did when i first got a cham. sadly you'll need to change alot of things in order for your chameleon to be healthy and thrive. ill post a blog for you :) you cham is beautiful btw. do you know the sex? you can tell male or female if it has spurs or not. males have spurs on the hind feet females dont. it will look like a ltitle bump.


feel free to pm me any concerns or qeustions
I actually got her from a woman who no longer had time for her because she's getting married. It all came with this stuff. I'm ordering a different cage for her. The woman said she was a girl chameleon. She's not very nice, I just watch her silently. lol. I went to Petsmart and they know nothing about chameleons. They gave me info for bearded dragons and said it might be the same. Other then the cage what else should I change.?
I actually got her from a woman who no longer had time for her because she's getting married. It all came with this stuff. I'm ordering a different cage for her. The woman said she was a girl chameleon. She's not very nice, I just watch her silently. lol. I went to Petsmart and they know nothing about chameleons. They gave me info for bearded dragons and said it might be the same. Other then the cage what else should I change.?

if its a female you will need a laying bin for when shes ready to lay (5-6mnth olds can lay) you will need supplaments. i use cal with d3 cal w/oi d3 and multies. the WITH d3 is used twice a mnth as well as the multies. the WITHOUT d3 is used daily. when you get a screen cage or build a FR(Freerange) you wont need anything at the botten of the cage. theres a thread posted that shows ow i house my chams called post your freeranges or something like that. if you dont do this than you should get a 28x28x48 all screen cage. you could go smaller but bigger is better and its hardly more money. they wont be nice at first btw. hand feeding will make her nicer eventually. you need a 5.0 uvb and keep er temps at a max of 80 and a drop in other places so she can thermoregulate. do you have a humidty gauge and and temp gauge? you will need one. atmomatic lights are recomended. i will find another blog on all the things you will need.
Its not the same! Lol! Ditch the substrate, and you will need to mist her and use the right supplements. Search for a care sheet on her, Im fairly certain jannb has a very good blog on veiled chameleon keeping, good luck! Ask us any questions you may have...
PetSmart knows nothing about chams... I got my female there when she was little (and when I didn't know how to tell them apart), and they assured me that it was a male :p Well... that "male" just had eggs a month ago!
PetSmart knows nothing about chams... I got my female there when she was little (and when I didn't know how to tell them apart), and they assured me that it was a male :p Well... that "male" just had eggs a month ago!

i got my female from petsmart aswell. i nopticed they carry mostly females and i assume its from breeders that cuddnt sell them all. :rolleyes: i love her to death tho :D
I'm buying more of the right supplements tomorrow. I'll be getting a screen cage, and will be ordered the extra large (so the 24x24x48) cage from DIYcages. She's don't really care for the hand feeding right now, she puff up and hisses. She lets me give her water from a dropper though. So I'm just taking it slow. I have a UVB and UVA bulb in the long black light fixture. I don't think you can see it though..In her basking spot its around 80-82 and on the bottom its in the mid 70s. At night I turn the lights off an turn on her heating pad thats below her branch she sleeps on. I don't have automatic lights, but I have her on a schedule. At 7a.m. I turn her lights on and heating pad off. And at 8p.m. I turn lights off and heating pad on. I have a temp gauge, but I'm getting a humidity gauge. Right now its being hand misted but once I order the cage I'll also be ordering a Fogger system to keep it on a schedule. I've been on the computer learning as much as I can to keep her healthy and happy. I went to PETCO this weekend and the guys I asked for help in looking for something told me I'd probably kill her in three months. Really upset me.
I'm buying more of the right supplements tomorrow. I'll be getting a screen cage, and will be ordered the extra large (so the 24x24x48) cage from DIYcages. She's don't really care for the hand feeding right now, she puff up and hisses. She lets me give her water from a dropper though. So I'm just taking it slow. I have a UVB and UVA bulb in the long black light fixture. I don't think you can see it though..In her basking spot its around 80-82 and on the bottom its in the mid 70s. At night I turn the lights off an turn on her heating pad thats below her branch she sleeps on. I don't have automatic lights, but I have her on a schedule. At 7a.m. I turn her lights on and heating pad off. And at 8p.m. I turn lights off and heating pad on. I have a temp gauge, but I'm getting a humidity gauge. Right now its being hand misted but once I order the cage I'll also be ordering a Fogger system to keep it on a schedule. I've been on the computer learning as much as I can to keep her healthy and happy. I went to PETCO this weekend and the guys I asked for help in looking for something told me I'd probably kill her in three months. Really upset me.

what a jerk to say that. she will be perfectly fine if you continue to learn and do well for her. no heating pad is nessisary at all. they like a nighttime drop actually. you will probally want some live plants. pothos are cheap and realllyyy hard to kill and nice and viney. there are lots of gr8 trees you can buy. this site has a resorces tab. if you click it you will find a safe plants list. look over that to give you some ideas. oh and the cage you have her in now is actually good for pygmy chameleons. if you ever get those you can put them in that. :) you will still need to mist her even if you get a humidifer. three times a day gives good drinking oppertunitys. an atomatic light switch only costs 5$ at lowes and it has 8 outlets. id get one if i were you, and while at it you can get some trees and pothos ect :).
I don't understand the spur part. The woman I got her from said they ordered her from Florida as a female.

Whats a substrate.?

a spur is a bump that a male veiled has and a female does not. its an easy way to sex these cham. a substrate is the bark you have at the bottem (or sand or whatever). most people will say they can eat this and die but my worry is it will become soup from mistings. my female actually eats dirt on purpose and is fine, but an unhealthy cham could do this and die.
I know. I've really been doing my homework and I'm trying to get my best as soon as I can. I just couldn't believe he would say something like that to me. He thought I was just sticking her in a box and tossing crickets. I was not happy. only reason I have the pad is because my room gets really cold. How cold can it get before its to cold at night.? I'll defiantly have to look for a pothos plant when I get my screen cage. Are pygmy chams easy to take care of.? I've really fallen in love with the chameleons now, and looking at everyone else's. :D Med Repti Fogger-109982 This was what I was looking at, is this a good thing to buy for her.? And I'll just have to spray her leaves three times a day with this.? I have a question with feeding with a screen cage. How do you feed them crickets with the plants on the bottom.? I don't quite understand that part...I'll go to lowes and get that then. So then I can't forget or turn it on or off to late or what not. Where would this spur be.? And what should I get instead.? She does sometimes get it in her mouth when she gets her crickets. She usually grabs it and takes it out though.
Okiroo is right, all around. They like the nite time drop, its good for them. The substrate will become "soup" for bacteria and parasites, and its just all out unnesseccary as these animals live in the air :p Just to back her up ;)
I know. I've really been doing my homework and I'm trying to get my best as soon as I can. I just couldn't believe he would say something like that to me. He thought I was just sticking her in a box and tossing crickets. I was not happy. only reason I have the pad is because my room gets really cold. How cold can it get before its to cold at night.? I'll defiantly have to look for a pothos plant when I get my screen cage. Are pygmy chams easy to take care of.? I've really fallen in love with the chameleons now, and looking at everyone else's. :D Med Repti Fogger-109982 This was what I was looking at, is this a good thing to buy for her.? And I'll just have to spray her leaves three times a day with this.? I have a question with feeding with a screen cage. How do you feed them crickets with the plants on the bottom.? I don't quite understand that part...I'll go to lowes and get that then. So then I can't forget or turn it on or off to late or what not. Where would this spur be.? And what should I get instead.? She does sometimes get it in her mouth when she gets her crickets. She usually grabs it and takes it out though.

im about to go to bed (abt 12 here) so any Q's after this please pm me but also post here becuz someone else mite help. i've never used a fogger so idk. i use a humidifer tho. i wuddnt use a fogger becuz it mite cause an RI but a humdifier just makes things more humid than you mist. someone else mite chime in on that tho. the spur is located on the hind feet on the back. people here have good photos explaining that but if your doesnt have a bump on each back foot its a female. i hand feed my chams so i dont worry about feeders; however, you can cup feed chams. just put a cup in the cage and evenutally they learn to eat from it. i wuddnt say pygmys are easy to care for ( they are.. ) but i'd start with a male pygmy (they can be kept in colonies) becuz females often die. once you care for a male than add in females. there are pygmy keeping blogs and even a pygmy forums.
Okiroo is right, all around. They like the nite time drop, its good for them. The substrate will become "soup" for bacteria and parasites, and its just all out unnesseccary as these animals live in the air :p Just to back her up ;)

thanks :):D
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