Solid Snake
Avid Member
I know. I've really been doing my homework and I'm trying to get my best as soon as I can. I just couldn't believe he would say something like that to me. He thought I was just sticking her in a box and tossing crickets. I was not happy. only reason I have the pad is because my room gets really cold. How cold can it get before its to cold at night.? I'll defiantly have to look for a pothos plant when I get my screen cage. Are pygmy chams easy to take care of.? I've really fallen in love with the chameleons now, and looking at everyone else's. Med Repti Fogger-109982 This was what I was looking at, is this a good thing to buy for her.? And I'll just have to spray her leaves three times a day with this.? I have a question with feeding with a screen cage. How do you feed them crickets with the plants on the bottom.? I don't quite understand that part...I'll go to lowes and get that then. So then I can't forget or turn it on or off to late or what not. Where would this spur be.? And what should I get instead.? She does sometimes get it in her mouth when she gets her crickets. She usually grabs it and takes it out though.
You will enjoy the DIY cage. The spurs will be on the back, of the back feet(legs). The temp could go to 55F or less and be fine. I never go past 55F. I hand feed everything, occasionally ill let maybe a couple free range in the same type of cage you ordered. Its bug proof, they cant escape, but cup feeding or hand feeding is recomended. Eating substrate can be a real problem, Id take it out asap.