Meet Tini my first chameleon.

I know. I've really been doing my homework and I'm trying to get my best as soon as I can. I just couldn't believe he would say something like that to me. He thought I was just sticking her in a box and tossing crickets. I was not happy. only reason I have the pad is because my room gets really cold. How cold can it get before its to cold at night.? I'll defiantly have to look for a pothos plant when I get my screen cage. Are pygmy chams easy to take care of.? I've really fallen in love with the chameleons now, and looking at everyone else's. :D Med Repti Fogger-109982 This was what I was looking at, is this a good thing to buy for her.? And I'll just have to spray her leaves three times a day with this.? I have a question with feeding with a screen cage. How do you feed them crickets with the plants on the bottom.? I don't quite understand that part...I'll go to lowes and get that then. So then I can't forget or turn it on or off to late or what not. Where would this spur be.? And what should I get instead.? She does sometimes get it in her mouth when she gets her crickets. She usually grabs it and takes it out though.

You will enjoy the DIY cage. The spurs will be on the back, of the back feet(legs). The temp could go to 55F or less and be fine. I never go past 55F. I hand feed everything, occasionally ill let maybe a couple free range in the same type of cage you ordered. Its bug proof, they cant escape, but cup feeding or hand feeding is recomended. Eating substrate can be a real problem, Id take it out asap.
Thank you for all your help! If I have more questions I'll message you for sure. :D I'll have to try the cup thing when I get the cage. I'll have to wait a bit and try that again, she hisses at me when I try. So I don't push so I don't stress her out. Awesome, I might try them after I have her for a while. Don't want to overload myself with new stuff.
My understanding is that a fogger or cool mist humidifier is not prone to cause resperatory infections, but a regular humidifier(boiling water aperatus thingy) is due to it being heated and being more acceptable for viruses/bacteria to live in. I have used one with no issues with my jackson. Just my expereince.
Oh, then I don't need the heater. It doesn't get that cold. :) Cup feeding seems like the way I'll have to go. What do I put on the bottom instead of substrate.? I'm going shopping tomorrow so I'll buy new stuff. So neither of them are good then.? Do you recommend a product and know where I can buy one.? I don't want anything that I buy to get her sick or have negative effects on her...
Yep, untill you get the DIY, then just the PVCbottom :p I drilled three 1/2" holes in the bottom of mine near the center. It sits on a metal shelf, and drains straight into a tote bin from wallmart. Metal shelving=$20 Tote=$5
Okay. And how would I drain the DIY cage.? And besides the pothos plant what are some really good things to put inside it to make her really happy and healthy.?
I explained how I drain mine in the post above. Its "watered" by two mistking nozzles. What I do is, is I drill three small holes in the cage, one in th back, at the top. Then one in eac of the front to cornes. Then what I do is, I screw those small "cup hooks" into them, then I hang a pothos top dead center of the cage. You can then put trees(hibiscus/ficus/shefflera) in the bottom. The pothos can then be draped around all over the place. The key is to make the cham feel secure, and give it as many options as possible, ie, gradients on foliage, temp, uvb, humidity, and BRANCH SIZE (to "work out" all the chams hand/feet muscles). The pothos is great and I highly recomendit as its almost impossible to kill, cheap, grows fast, and provides lots of "roadways" to climb on.
I have not read much of the previous posts, but from a successful owner of a Female Veiled, i will say this.

From those pictures you posted, your chameleon looks to be gaining the coloration of a male.

As for the cage, you typically want a vertical screen cage. I have a cage by, and it's really awesome. The hinges, and locks are a bit flimsy, but it's no big deal. I have a PVC tray at the bottom of my enclosure, which i lay paper towels over.

Your little Cham looks healthy though. Good luck!
I would rather her be a male actually. I'd have to rename her, but the egg thing is kind of scaring me.

I'm buying a DIY cage soon. :D

I like to hear that she (he.?) looks healthy. I thought at first she was to thin, but she eats a lot.
umm...i don't know exactly what you mean...

basically you got her for free(im guessing) yet get ready to spend big bucks on proper care and materials for her to thrive successfully. You can find a good deal on a proper habitat from LLLreptile. here is a link, if it hasent already been posted.

But you would still need a mister or misting system, vitamins and supplements, live feeders daily/weekly, proper guages. its not a cheap or inexpensive pet to keep. Hope you are ready.
Here is a picture of a male veileds back foot.

This is my male veiled Kink. If you enlarge the picture, you can see the bumps on the back o fhis back feet. it almost looks like a heel.
Here is a slightly better picture of Kink.
IN the last photo of my first post, you can see him sitting on my arm,and see his spur.

Right now Id say your cham is stressed, which is why he/she is brown. he/She does look a bit thin, but he/she could be sucking it in for the camera.
(no one wants to look fat in a photo)

To be sure, you can take a picture of the back of his feet, and post it here.

Then we can help you decide on gender.
Here is a picture of a male veileds back foot.

This is my male veiled Kink. If you enlarge the picture, you can see the bumps on the back o fhis back feet. it almost looks like a heel.
Here is a slightly better picture of Kink.
IN the last photo of my first post, you can see him sitting on my arm,and see his spur.

Right now Id say your cham is stressed, which is why he/she is brown. he/She does look a bit thin, but he/she could be sucking it in for the camera.
(no one wants to look fat in a photo)

To be sure, you can take a picture of the back of his feet, and post it here.

Then we can help you decide on gender.

thanks i was something would post that here. :D
I understand the price of all the cost and I'm ready for it. like ive said, I've looked up stuff and understand.

what's a good misting system to buy.?

she doesn't like the camera very much, so I give her as much space as possible. I'm gonna keep feeding her eight crickets in the mmorning and I hope she'll put on some weight.

ill make sure to take pictures of her feet when I get home. well I'll try my best at least.
I understand the price of all the cost and I'm ready for it. like ive said, I've looked up stuff and understand.

what's a good misting system to buy.?

she doesn't like the camera very much, so I give her as much space as possible. I'm gonna keep feeding her eight crickets in the mmorning and I hope she'll put on some weight.

ill make sure to take pictures of her feet when I get home. well I'll try my best at least.

The msiting system that most buy is the basic mistking system, it costs 99 bucks.
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