Mel got three crickets

My Lumbwi (Melleri) can't seem to ever get just one super. Most I've seen him grab at once was 5. Of course he usually ends up dropping all but 1 or 2.

On the crickets...if he is able to get that many in one shot you may want to try larger crickets.
What is the record for most bugs in one shot?


I've had my little 90g female veiled get three.... take that mel!

My big boy Henry 600+ grams.... will gobble up four at a time no prob... sometimes 5 but he'll always end up dropping one as it wiggles to get away. :eek:
What I find funny is, he sticks his tongue out about an inch or so, then pauses for a bit doing maybe three or four "mini-warmup flicks" with his tongue before he decides to actually shoot.

It's almost looks like he is waiting, letting 'em get lined up, to maximize the return on his effort.
What I find funny is, he sticks his tongue out about an inch or so, then pauses for a bit doing maybe three or four "mini-warmup flicks" with his tongue before he decides to actually shoot.

It's almost looks like he is waiting, letting 'em get lined up, to maximize the return on his effort.

LOL yeah hahaha I know what ya mean. My veiled will sit there with his tongue out aiming around till he is ready.
Feruzi (the female) starts flapping her lobes when she sees me coming with the bin. It's so funny. I swear she almost runs to the bin when it's dinner time.
Feruzi (the female) starts flapping her lobes when she sees me coming with the bin. It's so funny. I swear she almost runs to the bin when it's dinner time.

how much and how often do you feed?

Melleri tend to eat a lot... and will keep eating.... but that doesn't mean they need to or should. Shannen I am not baiting you.... I am just wondering what your regiment is. Other keeps have said they serve up 4 or 5 large crickets every other day.
Melleri drink a lot of water.... you should invest in one of those pump up style bottles.... less tiring than the hand misters.... ill post a pic of what works well that I am using now..

but yes, mist often, they can neverreally get enough
Here ya go... get one of these from HD..

how much and how often do you feed?

Melleri tend to eat a lot... and will keep eating.... but that doesn't mean they need to or should. Shannen I am not baiting you.... I am just wondering what your regiment is. Other keeps have said they serve up 4 or 5 large crickets every other day.

Oh I know you aren't baiting me. I do skip days every now and then as I'm a firm believer that it does them good to go without. I've practiced this for a long time, even with my fish. No animal in the wild eats everyday of it's life.

But with my Melleri I'm still trying to put weight on them but am doing so slowly. I monitor their weight an neither of them have shown any alarming gains. So I must be doing something right. Her hips still show a little more than I would like and her arms are not fat like you see in most pictures of captive Melleri.

Right now she gets about 10-15 3/4 inch crickets at every feeding. Once she gets to what I feel is a proper weight I will cut back on the feeding. But at her size she still has some growing to do on top of needing to gain a little weight.

And I don't know if you recall or not, but both have been tested for parasites and are clean.

edit: She would totally eat 30 crickets at one sitting if I gave her the option. She is a pig.
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