Meller hatchling help please


New Member
I purchased a meller on line that was supposed to be 7-8 months and when I received him it looks like he may be only a month or so. Very tiny, about an inch and 3/4 he is already showing signs of a cold by holding his head up and opening mouth for air. Please help I was not ready for this what can I do to ensure his survival?
Currently in all screen cage- small zoo-med
I have a Haba mist set every 3 hrs. for 15 seconds along with misting three times a day.
5 UVB and basking spot of 90 rest of cage between 68-72
Feeding fruit flies and pinheads
He seems like his colors are fading to a grey instead of black
I have had him since we'd afternoon
If there is anything that I can do more or different please help.
i have a small meller too and it seems happy but i water it for much longer like 5 min at a time cause they need more water then other chameleons and if u could post a photo that would help

First I would lower his basking spot in the area of 82-85
90 is too high especially for a little guy. Even young they still need a warm side and a cool side of the cage.

These guys like ALOT of water. You say he gets misted 3 times a day? Make sure 2 of these sessions are about 20 minutes long. I usually do a long mist in the am, a 10 min in the afternoon and a long one in the evening.

If he is fighting Respitory infection you are going to want to keep his humidity up as much as possible, try and keep it in the 70% or higher. If needed a humidifier helps.

Though I do prefere to let these guys acclimate before anything if his breathing and holding head up doesnt improve with higher humidity and more water he needs a vet.

Grey isnt a good color for these guys to be. I hope he pulls through for you. If you havent read it check out

Are you handling it at all? Do you watch it all the time?
Hopefully the reason its lifting its head and gaping because of the high temperature in the cage.
Yes-get the temp down pronto. Do you have any pictures? Mellers hatch out at 2" long so I am wondering if you even have a Mellers.
Yes-get the temp down pronto. Do you have any pictures? Mellers hatch out at 2" long so I am wondering if you even have a Mellers.

julirs its a baby. you havent been around much to see that they are importing babies now along with the adults there all comin from the usual suspects. most that ive heard about have all died. really really sad stuff.. good luck op
julirs its a baby. you havent been around much to see that they are importing babies now along with the adults there all comin from the usual suspects. most that ive heard about have all died. really really sad stuff.. good luck op

Thanks Rob-that is sad. I really hate to hear that. These guys are far to stressy and will not do well in these situations.
Vet time

I suggest getting your baby to the emergency veterinary office. Of the five baby Melleri from this wave of "captive hatched" Melleri that I personally know about three have died from an upper respiratory infection (note: this is my diagnosis and has not been confirmed by a vet.) The head up, eyes closed, mouth open has been the sign the end is near. Get him in now. It is a long shot to save this guy, but i'd love to hear that you were able to.

For everyone else, Melleri are great and captive hatched is a great way to go. But you might want to steer clear of anything out there right now, especially if it is from any of the exporters who all had their "clutches" suddenly hatch all at once. Reputable breeders are not going to sell, much less ship, babies of this age. Melleri buyers please be on high alert. I dont know the inside story, but i'll say these aren't turning out to be the great deal they are being presented as. I lost one of the two (from two different sources) I had and almost lost the second one, but was able, so far, to get him past some early URI symptoms. Friend 2 lost hers to URI, and friend 3 lost one of his two.
Thanks everyone I have lowered the temp and misted about 20 min outside today, hopefully the magic of sunshine will help going to mist again this evening for another 20 min. I simplified the cage some by taking out some foliage and adding some more twigs. I will keep you posted on his progress. By the way his name is Pickels.
it makes me happy to see someone ask for help, not argue with the advice and make the immediate changes.

Kudos to you jkzserai, I hope your baby gets better :)
I hope he gets better too. I feel for the other babies who got shipped to people who thought they were getting a 7-8 month old established meller. They don't have much chance shipped this young. It makes me so sad, For the babies and the people who lose there beloved pet. Alot of people don't have the experience with these little ones. I know I didnt and honestly wasn't ready to try. But I can't give up on Pickels he is counting on me. Thank you so much for the info. I will keep you all posted.
Glad you are willing to accept the advise!

All you can do is your best for him and hopefully he will do good. They sure are cute at that age.

I'll be looking forward to updates : )
I hope he gets better too. I feel for the other babies who got shipped to people who thought they were getting a 7-8 month old established meller. They don't have much chance shipped this young. It makes me so sad, For the babies and the people who lose there beloved pet. Alot of people don't have the experience with these little ones. I know I didnt and honestly wasn't ready to try. But I can't give up on Pickels he is counting on me. Thank you so much for the info. I will keep you all posted.

Who was the seller? Has anyone contacted them to alert them to these problems that may stem back to the wholesaler?
I hope the little one pulls through for you. I believe the problems start back at the original importers where they don't really have the space, facilities or knowledge to properly house the hundreds of chams that come in each shipment. Just cramming them into what ever over crowded and less than sanitary aquariums are at hand. It seems that most importers and stores have no idea of chameleon husbandry and apply what ever has "worked" in the past with less fragile & stressy herps. This wave of juvie mellers is no different. The less time spent in this kind of facility the better off the chams will be. Sadly the chams usually have been shipped all over the country, changing hands several times before ending up as someone pet. It's the classic catch 22 of herping... WC suck but without them there would be no CB. It's too bad really, but I would wager that 99% of imports don't make it past the first few months of captivity. I truly wish Pickles the best of luck.
Who was the seller? Has anyone contacted them to alert them to these problems that may stem back to the wholesaler?

I did inform the guy. Unfortunately he did not change his description until they all sold out. So I know there are alot of people and babies going through the same thing." I think I am just as stressed as pickles".
I did inform the guy. Unfortunately he did not change his description until they all sold out. So I know there are alot of people and babies going through the same thing." I think I am just as stressed as pickles".

Pretty disgusting not to care or even pull them off the market until they could be checked over.
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