well i just got home from work and he is dead. the vet prescribed baytril, miconazole nitrate and for just in case panacur suspension. she also prescribed something i cant remember the name but it was being made at a local prescription shop. i was going to pick it up tom morning. if anyone knows about dosing this is what she prescribed.
*panacur suspension - 0.06ml by mouth avery 14 days x 4
*baytril 22.7mg crushed tablet mixed with 2.5 ml of water - 0.3 ml of solution every 24 hours for 10-14 days
*miconazole nitrate - apply to fungus site as needed
*dont know the name of the drug but it was suppose to be given every 48 hours
OK... baytril is tough on melleri. I am not sure if going 10-14 days is a good idea....
How much does this cham weigh? Do you know what kind of panacur the vet gave you? The kind you can get from LLL Reptile is a dosage of .1 ML to each 100 grams. This stuff is hard to OD on.... I would give him food with the panacur.BUT, if he is loaded up with parasites panacur in too large of a dosage can be toxic because you will have a large number of dead parasites in the body.
I don't know how strong the panacur is that she gave you... but waiting 2 weeks is a bit long. And if it is the same as the stuff I use... the dosage is for a 60g chameleon... if your cham is more than 60g.... she is kinda under doing it (if the dosage is the same as the LLL stuff I am using).