Melleri Room Finished!


Avid Member
I had planned on completing this room last July. Permit problems and my wanting things just the way I want them delayed the project. But I'm happy with the results. It was difficult to get photos of the whole room at once because it is so small (9x10), but I hope you like it! I still want to get two yellow Hibiscus plants.

It has a rain system I made as opposed to a misting system. The water is hooked up to my house plumbing and I can adjust the temperature of the water. It also drains into my house plumbing.



It is amazing to see all the set ups our members come up with. That is a big WOW!! A lot of planning and work went into that. I don't think the chameleons realize just how lucky they are!!! Kudos to you on this!!!
Now that is freaking awesome!!! Well done! Now where's the inhabitants?!?

They are quarantined at the moment. I don't think I'm quite ready to discuss my horrifying experience at stumbling across some wc melleri for sale at a reptile show. But hopefully their fecals will be clean the next time I get them checked in two weeks.
That's a dream room come true for a chameleon keeper and the chameleon...Awesome job and the finished product is most definitely worth the time and effort you put into it. I see a possible new job for you in the near future, chameleon room designer extraordinaire:D
That's amazing. It's better than a zoo. I can't wait to see the chams in there.
You and I seem to have more and more in common. I set up a free range room for Lenny. It is nice, has lots more plants, is lots bigger. But wow IT SURE IS NOT AS NICE!!! Lenny will never see those pictures, he would think he is derived! Wonderful room, just really wonderful!
AMAZING!! i thought my mellers was lucky with the free range i have. this makes mine look bad.... looks like im going to have to up my game a bit :p
What an absolutely fantastic free range you've made there. Can't wait to see it occupied, and those chams will never realize how good they've got it!!! :D
Thanks so much for the nice comments everyone! It does mean a lot. I am very excited about actually using the room. I put the "door" on yesterday. That was the last thing I had to do.
Deb what kind of floor do you have in the room? I keep looking to see if I can copy your room, it is just too cool.
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