Memorial for Lily

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Today is a sad day for me - a year has passed since I lost my beautiful, friendly and very special first chameleon, Lily. Some of you may remember her - she was one of a kind and had such personality. She never once hissed or gaped or tried to bite me. Although I now have Amy and Tommy, I still miss Lily. There will always be a special place in my heart for her. I guess the 'first' of any type of pet is always the one that touches you the most. Sleep tight sweetie - I miss you.:(

As a memorial for her I would like to share a few of my favourite photos of her.

One of many fave pics

Singing her favourite song

Chillin' in her tree!

Licking her chops, lol!

And, lastly, my favourite photo
Tiff you are making me sit here an cry. I also loved Lily, she was very special. I am so happy you chose to share her all those times. RIP lovely Lily.
I didnt know her very long :( But Lily was the cham that made my family take the plunge and get Peanut.

All those threads you posted... and the ones you make today would help anyone considering these amazing creatures.

My thoughts are with you as you know

what a beautiful girl!!! she looks so happy to have been with you,, i have no doubt that she was!!!
i'm not sure that you ever get over the loss of a loved one... we just must move on,, Tommy and Amy will help with that....:)
Tiff...i am very sorry. Lily was an amazing lady cham. She continues to be our chameleons role model and always will. She is a special part of our heart here at Chameleon Forums.

We love Lily with all our heart and always will. I am sure she is watching down on you, Tommy, and Amy.

RIP beautiful girl. We all love you!
She was Beautiful, and struck some gorgeous poses for the camera.

Most definately one of a kind.

RIP Lily, you are with the other Chameleon Angels now.
Thanks all! If it wasn't for Lily, I wouldn't have joined this forum. Through these very pages I have made so many good friends, not only in the UK, but around the world too. Thank you everyone for your support and kindness! Time does heal, but, thankfully, it doesn't erase memories!
I remember each photo of your dear super star.
I looked at photos of her long before I even got Splat.
With tears in my eyes, all I can say is she will always be missed by many.

She was beautiful and even though I never really met her, she was obviously one of a kind. She is an inspiration and I always hope that my chameleons grow to be as sweet and friendly as she was.

I doubt she will ever be forgotten <3
She was a wonderful pet Tiff, cat & dog folk would think you were bonkers, but not us!
Remember her, smiling, though! :)
Awww man, i have tears in my eyes. :( R.I.P Lilly she was sooo cute and from what you have told me about her i'd say she was pretty amazing too. Bless her.
So sorry Tif!!! I miss Lily pics too. She was so much fun!!! Having u here keeps her here with us too. Every time I see u post, I think of her and smile!!!
I'm so sorry for your loss.. I'm dealing with losses of my own. May she rest in beautiful peace.
I know how hard it is to loose such a valued pet. I lost Henry, my first ever chameleon, in January of this year.

I bet Lily and Kami are teasing him with their good looks in the big tree in the sky.
RIP Lily you really were an amazing little girl. Thinking of you too Tiff, looking at the photos even had me in tears :( I`m sure Lily will be sat on rainbow bridge waiting and having fun. x
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