
Here is a past post of mine since you also have monitors. It also has more information on the pygmy myce. With monitors you also need rodent size insects! When you keep monitor they die. One must be kept by their monitors in order for them to thrive. or as we like to say around here "Keeping reptiles is merely practice for being kept by monitors"!

Digby Rigby [email protected]
Reptiles, green banana & other roaches and bulk dubia sales include telephone number

Thanks mate, I'll have to look for some in England unless you deliver this far!
Appreciate the sentiment but I keep my lizards, not the other way round - I do it for fun, and it takes up an average of an hour a day when I'm working (more if they go out for sun or it's bath day) -it's easy to fit round a hectic modern life :D
I even get more salad now than this time last year.......:)
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