
yea i was

yea i was at the taylor show i even saw sam from bhb there im still in jh so yea so clearly im smaller but it was awesome and those panthers were really nice there were some nice baby veileds were cool in the next couple months maybee in spring look for double a vending it will be me:) i will have leos, fat tais, viper geckos, and baby cresties private message me for the morphs and if your intrested!! go michigan:D
No I didn't see the Uroplatus sikorae.
I think on a different thread somewhere I read you were making a reptile room. Am I correct? If so hows it coming along and what are you gonna keep in there? Just Chams...etc?

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=42.365584,-83.357119

I am making a reptile room!:D ive been out of town quite a bit lately so i havnt really had time to work on it, but all thats left to do is lay the tile and that should be done this weekend. Mostly chams, but i do have a quite a few other things on my wish list which include gtp, uroplatus, my beardie(maybe one more), and possibly some dart frogs, last but not least... a green treemonitor!
I didnt know GR had a show. Taylor show is okay, but if your looking solely for chams its not the greatest. But it has gotten better. Quite a few vendors with some interesting reptiles here and there. Probably about the same distance for you compared to GR.

Oh and welcome to Michigan! And the forums! Nice melleri too! :)

I think the show in GR is the Great Lakes Reptile Expo or something like that. It was a little over 2 hours from me, while the Taylor show is only an hour +/-. I didn't know about the Taylor show until recently, so can't wait to check it out for myself.

Thank you by the way... Michigan is quite different from NY and I'm not really adjusted yet, lol. Glad you like my Melleri :) He's currently in treatment for roundworms, poor guy! I actually picked him up from the GR show here in Michigan.
I am making a reptile room!:D ive been out of town quite a bit lately so i havnt really had time to work on it, but all thats left to do is lay the tile and that should be done this weekend. Mostly chams, but i do have a quite a few other things on my wish list which include gtp, uroplatus, my beardie(maybe one more), and possibly some dart frogs, last but not least... a green treemonitor!

Once that's done you gotta send some pics. It's funny I just bought a chameleon but I almost bought a GTP instead. You ever been to FineGTPs.com. I would love to have one from his Black Project.
Look at these guys:
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1327016594.644408.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1327016608.176361.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1327016640.222204.jpg
Did you see the green tree monitors at the show?

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=42.365578,-83.357156
Once that's done you gotta send some pics. It's funny I just bought a chameleon but I almost bought a GTP instead. You ever been to FineGTPs.com. I would love to have one from his Black Project.
Look at these guys:
View attachment 47722View attachment 47723View attachment 47724
Did you see the green tree monitors at the show?

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=42.365578,-83.357156

Pic #2 is amazing! I have not been to their website but im gonna check it out now:D I can imagine those beauties go for a pretty penny too! I only saw yellow tree monitors, which i believe are not "true" tree monitors. Oh and I will deff post pics of the room and update it as I do/get more things.

yea im at the taylor show every month! so i will definetely be at the feb 11 one (because my b-day is the 10th!) and i will probably be getting supplies for some herps, but also supplies for my soon to be veiled chameleon!!!:D

im going with the veiled cause they are a little cheaper and readily available. im also intriuged by there beatiful colors, and of course i love the males casque! so i should be getting him in taylor or at the NARBC show in chicago on march. so excited!:p
from michigan

Hey i'm in mt. pleasant and also frequent the chameleon side of the taylor show even though I couldn't make this month due to crap weather. I have been to the grand rapids show, not worth it at all. I am going to kalamazoo show for first time this saturday.
from michigan

I used to have a female veiled that I attempted to breed but the eggs went sour in the incubator. I now have a male high casque that I scored from a epic deal on craigslist. I have attached some pics of him :D. The person I got him from said he purchased the cham at the taylor and I am hoping I will pic up a female there as well.


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I used to have a female veiled that I attempted to breed but the eggs went sour in the incubator. I now have a male high casque that I scored from a epic deal on craigslist. I have attached some pics of him :D. The person I got him from said he purchased the cham at the taylor and I am hoping I will pic up a female there as well.
extremely nice cham ^ cant wait to get mine what kind of plants are in his cage and also how old is he:confused:
I don't have any live plants in his cage because im afraid he will eat the bedding and get an impaction like the veiled did. I use exoterra fake plants and vines wrapped around a large piece of driftwood. I'm not sure on his age either. The person I purchased him from was selling everything at such a good price I didn't question anything other than where the chameleon came from. I will let you guys know how the kzoo show turns out.
im going with the veiled cause they are a little cheaper and readily available. im also intriuged by there beatiful colors, and of course i love the males casque! so i should be getting him in taylor or at the NARBC show in chicago on march. so excited!:p

Im gonna check into that show! I just might want to go haha:D

I have attended the NARBC show at tinley the last 3 years and the last one in october was huge disappointment because 85% of the show was BALL PYTHONS. I saw one male veiled and a few baby ambilobes and that was it. I honestly think there was way more variety at the taylor show.
I have attended the NARBC show at tinley the last 3 years and the last one in october was huge disappointment because 85% of the show was BALL PYTHONS. I saw one male veiled and a few baby ambilobes and that was it. I honestly think there was way more variety at the taylor show.

Ahh damn.. im not driving to chicago for overpriced balls... I think ill just stick to the local yocal show til i hear its changed.
Yeah narbc has a show there in march and october this year. Hopefully it will have more reptile diversity. If you went there strictly for chams you would be out of luck. I dont understand the ball python trade other than it is the vast majority of this hobby. Everyone has the exact same morphs selling at almost the same prices. Crazy. I have high hopes for kzoo this weekend because i heard its just as big/bigger than taylor.
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